What does MRSA do to the skin

Health related question in topics MRSA .We found some answers as below for this question “What does MRSA do to the skin”,you can compare them.

A:MRSA often lives on the body harmlessly, however, an infection can cause boils, folliculitis, impetigo, abscesses, and more. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-mrsa-do-to-the-skin ]
More Answers to “What does MRSA do to the skin
What does MRSA do to the skin
MRSA often lives on the body harmlessly, however, an infection can cause boils, folliculitis, impetigo, abscesses, and more.
What does mrsa look like on human skin?
On human skin, MRSA can look like a pus or fluid filled blister or boil. MRSA can also cause abscesses and reddening of the skin. Please be aware that MRSA cannot be diagnosed by a visual inspection only. If you or someone you know suspects…
Which athletes are most at-risk for MRSA skin infections?
Skin infections including MRSA have been reported mostly in high-physical-contact sports such as wrestling, football, and rugby. However, MRSA infections have been reported among athletes in other sports such as soccer, basketball, field ho…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

I have MRSA (skin infection), will I always get these sores? How can I get rid of it for good?
Q: I had a pimple on my lower back which I got my partner to squeeze then 2 days later I ended up in hospital to get an abscess drained. The swabs taken showed that I had MRSA. I had to get my dressing changed daily over the next 3 wks and I got about 6 more smaller boils from the tape been ripped off my skin, they are really painful and I get a high fever from them. I was put on clindamycin which turned my skin really red so I had to go on ciproxin, 2 days after the antibiotics finished I got another 2 boils, which cleared after more antibiotics. I recently found out that Im pregnant, and I have another boil and the doctor doesn’t want me taking ciproxin as Im pregnant, so I now use bactroban cream and sapoderm to wash. The boil isn’t clearing up as fast as what they do when Im on antibiotics. The boils are always on my lower back. I have read all different comments about MRSA some stating you can die from it. I am worried as I have 3 kids and dont want to give it to them. Please help.
A: Use good handwashing and so long as your wounds are open, keep them covered. You may need a course of IV antibiotics to get rid of the MRSA. However, with you being pregnant, your options may be limited. This may need to wait until after you have given birth.If you haven’t done so already, see an Infectious Disease specialist. Recurring MRSA boils should be addressed by a specialist. Good luck.
MRSA skin diese at school?
Q: Theres a kid who is still going to school who has mrsa and the school haven’t told anybody all hey did was put papers in the office.. and nobody hardley ever goes in there…. What should i do?? call the news?? Not go… or wat?
A: Staph aureus is a really common bacteria found on your skin… MRSA just means methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus, which means that this particular strain is resistant to antibiotics. If the boy at your school has an MRSA skin infection it can be treated easily with certain antibiotics.It’s not a big deal unless you have a bunch of people with wounds walking around in your school which I highly doubt… why would you want to call the news??? It’s not a big deal and if you are a healthy person the MRSA wouldn’t affect you. You’d really only need to be cautious if he has MRSA in his lungs.
Can a MRSA skin infection cause Blisters? What kind? Can they itch? What is color of the fluid drainage?
Q: Don’t tell me to go to the hospital, its not me. Its my stubborn 74 year old grandmother who swears that the big blister on her leg is a spider bite, even though it is draining a yellow, red tinged fluid, and she already has a big co-morbid of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia. Her general practitioner told her it is a spider bite, but the yellow drainage seems to indicate otherwise.Main things I need to know:Can MSRA cause a big, red, fluid filled blister?What color of fluid drains from a MRSA blister?Do MRSA blisters tend to itch?
A: MRSA can cause a lot of big, red, fluid-filled blisters, which can drain clear or yellow-tinged fluid. The blisters don’t itch themselves but where the drainage touches the skin itches. No matter if it’s MRSA or a spider bite (and personally I’m thinking she has a spider bite), she needs antibiotics and possibly something that will pump up her white count to help fight the infection. And then there is the big possibility that what started as a spider bite has now been infected with the MRSA bacteria, especially in view of her leukemia. This is serious; somehow get her back to the doctor or the ER.
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