What if you don’t want jaw surgery an you want braces instead

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It would be best if you had a consultation with an orthodontist. Braces can solve some problems, but if jaw surgery is required, there would be other problems underlying with the under bite. Do you have another question? Thanks for using ChaCha! . . [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-if-you-don%27t-want-jaw-surgery-an-you-want-braces-instead ]
More Answers to “What if you don’t want jaw surgery an you want braces instead
What if you don’t want jaw surgery an you want braces instead?
It would be best if you had a consultation with an orthodontist. Braces can solve some problems, but if jaw surgery is required, there would be other problems underlying with the under bite. Do you have another question? Thanks for using…

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How can i overcome self-image problems? Feeling ugly?
Q: I’m 16, male and live in the UK. Since age 11 i have been bullied for numerous reasons; badly shaped nose, heavy brow, dodgey teeth, cystic acne, underbite, awful hair, and the fact that I’m gay. All of these now really affect my life.I used to just brush the bullying off, but now I can tell it must have sunk deep seeing as I have dropped out of school. My family want me to go back, but i won’t. Instead I have been working and saving, and fixating on things to improve my appearance. I have started accutane for my skin, getting braces in jan, jaw surgery summer 09, and been for consultations with view to rhinoplasty and a brow lift. It’s gotten so bad my dumb obsession with my looks that I’m even refusing to see my friends in fear that they will judge what I look like now and think bad of me…. Funny thing is, i think SO BAD of myself for feeling the need to *do these things* to myself… but i can’t help it because i see it as the only way to feel worthy in society. All photos of me i photoshop where possible, I pull and push my face in the mirror imagining what it will look like after surgery… and it really makes me feel as if I’m insane! I try telling myself *I’m beautiful* and whatever, but it always turns in to *YOU WILL be beautiful after surgery’ etc. Then I smile and get excited for wanting to butcher my face? 😐 i want to have fun and go out, and go to college and do things i SHOULD be doing at my age – but i always get held back by the though of me ‘not being atrractive enough’ or ‘people are only gonna ewwww at you’ so I stay home/keep on working withthe hope surgery/dental/skin treatment etc is going to make it all better.My mind is torn. i know its bad… but i love the thought of changing. I dont want to have to do it… but then i do!? I’m seeing a second physciatrist in Jan. The first said I’m fairly normal to feel this way… he said *nothing major*. I explained it all began with the bullying and he just kept going on about how i need to find a way myself to overcome the issue – ‘stay occuupied, set goals etc.’ even though I told him its gotten to the point my goals are to alter myself permanently!What other options do i have? I would love it if i could come out of this mess healthy and happy and just me. Right now, I’m slowly heading to the surgeons butcher pad!sorry it’s so long. I’m just desperate. I don’t want to feel ugly, i don’t want to be insecure, i don’t want to be self conscious, i don’t want to go through life always looking to self improve, i don’t wan’t the bullies to win. But i can’t see another option…even though I KNOW its wrong… though it might not be wrong… cus i might actually be hella ugly? lol :dammit. >.<
A: Everyone goes through this – because everyone is genuinely ugly to someone else. For instance, I think Uma Therman is ugly as hell.Like a piece of burnt bacon wrapped in poop… ugh.The good news is, everyone is genuinely pretty to someone else too. Think of Michael Jackson – he thought that he was ugly so he got a bunch of plastic surgery to “fix” it. Come to find out, many more people found him attractive before the surgery than after.The same is likely happening to you. You’re 16, which means that you’re probably the ugliest that you;ll ever be. The weird section between being a boy and a man was my worst moment in the looks department. Assuming that you try to keep fit, it all goes uphill from there.You’re a guy – your face will change dramatically over the course of your life. Your teenage face is very different from what your young man face will look like, which will be very different from your mature man face, which will be very different from your old man face. Predicting that is difficult and pointless. And you are in luck – beards are in style right now :-)It’s quite plain that people picked on you because you were different. It’s what kids always do (you’ll find that adults are MUCH less mean than kids are), and it always sucks. But for your own sake – you cannot give in. You have to learn to believe in yourself – and take both praise and abuse in the context that they are given.You said “i don’t want to go through life always looking to self improve”, but that is what life is all about. If you aren’t constantly improving yourself, then you become stagnant and bored. Try finding something that you can learn to do, that you’ve always wanted to do, that doesn’t require you to worry about your looks. In time, you may find that your looks have already improved AND you’re good at something you wanted to be good at.
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