What is a tooth infection

Health related question in topics Tooth Infection .We found some answers as below for this question “What is a tooth infection”,you can compare them.

A:A tooth abscess is a collection of pus that’s caused by a bacterial infection in the root of a tooth or in the gum. ChaCha again! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-a-tooth-infection ]
More Answers to “What is a tooth infection
According to dentistonweb.com, a tooth infection is when the tooth’s enamel has been damaged enough to allow in bacteria and cause an infection. Tooth infections can be caused by cavities or trauma to the tooth. If allowed to continue long …
A tooth infection is characterized by a collection of pus that develops as a result of a bacterial infection at the center of a tooth or the area between the gums and tooth. This is a common dental condition that is extremely painful. The c…
A tooth infection is also known as a tooth abscess or root abscess. Tooth With Infected Pulp There are two types of tooth infections. One type is a periapical abscess, it happens from within the tooth pulp. This is shown in the picture. The…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

If a tooth infection has spread to lungs then what is the treatment, extraction?
Q: Or is it that since the infection has spread to other parts that extraction of tooth wont make a difference? i had an X-Ray & was told to take antibiotics & have the tooth removed next week, so does that mean the infection has not spread?
A: its my understanding that tooth infections can go straight to the heart and other parts of the body quickly. i’d heed the advice of my doctor, take my antibiotics, most likely he wishes to either clear up or heed the infection before he pulls that tooth. usually once the tooth is pulled, the infection is gone. but let me tell you from first hand experience, they are nasty and it ate much of my bone, luckily the bone grew back. listen to your dr and dentist, they know bestgood luck!
What are the effects of prolongued tooth infection?
Q: I’ve been having a tooth infection for 8 months now, it doesn’t or anything but i sense that there is a problem there as stuff always gets in the space between my gum and tooth no matter how much i wash, my dentist told me he has to cut the gum in order to extract the tooth (it’s one of those that appears around age 20). Are there any health hazards other than dental to the fact that i’ve been postponing the extraction this long?
A: if it gets infected it hurts bad. they can put you on antibotics. they say tooth infection can affect your heart. and other problems.
If you have a tooth infection but no signs of abccess or pain, is that serious?
Q: My dentist keeps saying take antibiotics & come back few months later, does that mean the infection is not serious enough to spread or for the tooth tp be extracted straight away, the dentist checked the x-ray & everything so they know what they are doing right?
A: Hi-it is possible to get a tooth infection without pain, if its small, anitibiotics are enough to get rid of the infection. is it the actual tooth or the gum thats infected? im assuming tooth. But dont worry, have faith in your dentist. But if your ever concerned return straight to him/her. When you say you keep taking antibiotics.. how many times have they prescribed them for you? if its re occuring all the time then something else needs to be done really.
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