What is an abscessed tonsil

Health related question in topics Tonsils .We found some answers as below for this question “What is an abscessed tonsil”,you can compare them.

A:Tonsillar cellulitis is a bacterial infection of the tissues around the tonsils. A tonsillar abscess is a collection of pus behind the tonsils. Abscesses may form next to the tonsils (peritonsillar) or in the side of the throat (parapharyngeal). [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-an-abscessed-tonsil ]
More Answers to “What is an abscessed tonsil
What is an abscessed tonsil
Tonsillar cellulitis is a bacterial infection of the tissues around the tonsils. A tonsillar abscess is a collection of pus behind the tonsils. Abscesses may form next to the tonsils (peritonsillar) or in the side of the throat (parapharyng…
What causes tonsil abscess?
What causes tonsil abscess ? Here’s what happens to cause the swiss cheese like holes in the tonsils there are infection of the tonsils known as tonsillitis. This spreads and causes infection in the soft tissues, a peritonsillar abscess ma…
Will an abscess on my tonsil go away on its own?
In my experience it will not go away. They had to drain mine and eventually I had to get my tonsils removed. I would check around and see what other medications they can give to you that you will not have a reaction to. I know this does no …

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Q: I have strep throat, an abscessed tonsil and my fever won’t really go down. My doctor gave me antibiotics and pain relievers and I’ve been taking them regularly. I also have been taking 4 ibuprofen to keep my fever down, but it will only go down to 100.9 F. The highest I’ve measured it at is 103.1. What should I do? Should I go to the ER?The fever is 101.4 now. And I took ibuprofen 3 hours ago so it should still be working, and my fever shouldn’t be going up.I got the fever on monday, was diagnosed with strep and an abscess yesterday, and popped one abscess yesterday. There is a new one there today.If I don’t go to the ER what should i do to feel more comfortable?
A: It is safe to take eight Ibuprofen, So that might drop your temerture lower. If you have white spots on your tonsils you have tonsillitiss. You may need a tonsillectomy.
What does having chunks of gray in your snot mean?
Q: I’ve been really sick since January (I had tonsillitis which turned into an Abscessed Tonsil) and now I have a cold that I caught from a girl over spring break… So I just blew my nose and out one nostril came clear snot, just a stuffy nose… But out of the OTHER nostril, the snot was still clearish but it had chunks of gray in it. I know it’s not like my brain is coming out of my nose, but it’s still freaky. What are these chunks of gray doing in my snot? And what do they indicate?!
A: Dirt or dust
Im Taking liquid Clarithromycin, whats the best thing to drink it with so it wont be so gross?
Q: Okay, I have a severely abscessed tonsil and i can barely swallow. Its so huge that doctors do not even want to touch them to take them out and it over touching my uvula. Im in a lot of pain to the point they have me taking lortabs and naproxen which is an anti inflammatory. Being it is hard to swallow, and it tasting so gross where i wanna puke, what can i mix with it to make it a little less chalky??
A: Take it as is and follow it with water, nothing else.
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