What is an easy way to lose wait without exercising and eating healthy

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The short answer is there is no good shortcut. You can get lap band or liposuction surgeries, the weight can always be regained. You may want to look into an eating disorder called binge eating disorder and recovery programs for that. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-an-easy-way-to-lose-wait-without-exercising-and-eating-healthy ]
More Answers to “What is an easy way to lose wait without exercising and eating healthy
What is an easy way to lose wait without exercising and eating he…?
The short answer is there is no good shortcut. You can get lap band or liposuction surgeries, the weight can always be regained. You may want to look into an eating disorder called binge eating disorder and recovery programs for that.

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Q: Is there a way that I can lose wait in a natural way. I mean without pills. I’m twelve I weigh 120 pnds and i’m 4″11 but I haven’t had my first period yet. I don’t exercise regularly but I did today and i’m usually sore the day after but i’m fine at the moment. starting today For the rest of the summer i’m trying to eat healthy but it’s hard.
A: i’ve lost 20 pounds in around 3-4 weeks. all i did was watch what i eat. like all i ate every single day was Special K cereal and a banana. and by the way, special k cereal makes you lose weight. it tastes good and you wont get worn out by it, you’ll get used to it. and exercise for at least an hour every single day. then you’ll lose all the wait in just in an instant. try not to think about cheating on your diet, cause its just food. the end results are the best.(:
Need advice on a few things please!?
Q: So I have a few things I’m having trouble with and need some advice:1) I really like this girl. We hang out all the time and I think she likes me and is waiting for me to ask her out, but I don’t want her to know how much I like her. Is there a way I can find out if she wants to go out with me? And if she does like me, how can I arrange a date without having to mention it?2) I also want to lose some weight – like less than a stone, maybe like 6 pebbles. WIthout exercising or eating healthy food, how can I lose weight? I was thinking maybe i’d just stop eating since it sounds easier than actually doing stuff. Of course, being hungry is annoying so maybe there’s like some word I could say like five times in a row and it would burn off a pound of fat when I go to sleep?3) Which is better a Raven or the color Brown? If they were both battling each other in a test of strength, who would win? Now what if that battle involved an oblong ball?
A: 1. Why are you playing games? You will never develop a close relationship with anyone if you aren’t going to be straight out honest at the beginning. If you like a girl, then tell her and see what then comes of it. If she doesn’t like you, then go on to the next one. I’m so tired of seeing all the “I don’t want her to know how I feel until I know how she feels” junk. If you want to go out with a girl, ask her. The worst that will happen is that she will say “No” and you then move on to the next girl that you like. No girl is going to go out with you if you don’t ask straight out. She will only think you are a spineless wimp and go with someone else. They hate games as much as anyone does.2. If you are drinking sodas, quit and you will lose weight. I quit drinking Coke (both regular and diet will make you gain weight) and I dropped 20 lbs. in no time. Drink unsweetened tea or lemon water in its place. I can guarantee weight loss and a healthier you.3. I don’t like either one. My color is blue, preferable royal blue or navy blue. They always win the color fights regardless of the shape of the ball.
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