What is postural drainage

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A:Drainage used in bronchiectasis and lung abscess. The patient’s body is positioned so that the trachea is inclined downward. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-postural-drainage ]
More Answers to “What is postural drainage
What is postural drainage?
n. A therapeutic technique for drainage, used in bronchiectasis and lung abscess, in which the patient is placed head downward so that the trachea is down and below the affected area.
How to Do Postural Drainage
The best time to do postural drainage is either before a meal or 1 ½ hours after a meal, when your stomach is emptiest. Use one of the following positions: Sitting Lying on your back, stomach, or side Sitting or lying with your head, flat,…
Why should I do postural drainage?
・ Help prevent infections. If you have fewer infections, you will likely have fewer lung problems. ・ Open airways, which can lead to better breathing. ・ Improve your child’s quality of life. ・ Reduce your child’s risk of having more serious…

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What are the Do’s and Dont’s for Postural Drainage?
Q: This is part of my assignment for my Nursing Skills Subject
A: Please remember to percuss and vibrate only over the ribs. Avoid percussing and vibrating over the spine, breastbone, stomach and lower ribs or back to prevent trauma to the spleen on the left, the liver on the right and the kidneys in the lower back. Do not percuss or vibrate on bare skin.It is important to know that for some infants, toddlers, children and adults, certain postural drainage positions may worsen heartburn and cause vomiting. Specifically, when some people lay with their heads down (lower than the stomach), they can get reflux. This is stomach acid (heartburn) or food coming up from the stomach. It can cause discomfort, wheezing or vomiting. Reflux may also lead to earlier lung infection or damage.Trendelenburg position should be used with caution for ant age specific group that may have problems with increased blood flow to the head (elevated Intracranial Pressure ICP) …such as … those prone to head bleeds (intraventricular hemorrhage IVH), such as premature infants …Anyone with high risk for CVA should not be placed in trendelenburg … or those with severe sinus infections will not be able to tolerate the pressure caused by it …
what are the different postural drainage?
Q: specifically in patients with cystic fibrosis.
A: You’re question is not at all clear but I think this site will help you:http://calder.med.miami.edu/pointis/postural.html
what is postural drainage?
A: a position/positions used to drain mucus from the respiratory tract. When laying with head and chest below lower torso, such as over pillows….or over edge of bed.Often used in conjunction with chest p.t. (cupping hands over chest wall). Different positions will drain different lobes of the lungs.
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