What is the most bypass surgery you can have

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The terms single bypass, double bypass, triple bypass, quadruple bypass and quintuple bypass refer to the number of coronary arteries bypassed in the procedure. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-most-bypass-surgery-you-can-have ]
More Answers to “What is the most bypass surgery you can have
Do you want to be a heart doctor? Bypass surgery is when a trained heart doctor uses veins from your body to bypass clooged arteries to produce a better flow of blood to the heart.
The terms single bypass, double bypass, triple bypass, quadruple bypass and quintuple bypass refer to the number of coronary arteries bypassed in the procedure.
Normally it’s performed when there’s a blockage in an artery or vein. My understanding is that they will cut the vein below the blockage and reconnect it above the blockage, thus BYPASSing it. – see http://www.americanheart.org/presenter….

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I had Gastric Bypass Surgery and alcohol stays in my system longer is there any way this can help my case?
Q: This is my 2nd OWI in 9 years. I had gastric bypass in 2003. The alcohol takes twice or even three times longer to come out of your system. I got stopped and got it. I am getting a lawyer because most people or even law enforcement do not know that you may feel fine but it is still in your system. What do you guys think?
A: Go ahead and give it a shot, but if it’s in your system you’re still impaired regardless of how you feel and I think you’re SOL on your OWI. Were you drinking when you wrote this question?
Have you considered Gastric Bypass Surgery for weight loss? Here’s some tips!?
Q: Gastric bypass: Is this weight-loss surgery for you?Are you a candidate for gastric bypass surgery? Find out what to expect and the benefits and risks involved.It’s always best to lose weight through a healthy diet and regular physical activity. But if you’re among those who have tried and can’t lose the excess weight that’s causing your health problems, weight-loss (bariatric) surgery may be an option.Gastric bypass, which changes the anatomy of your digestive system to limit the amount of food you can eat and digest, is the favored bariatric surgery in the United States. Most surgeons prefer this procedure because it’s safer and has fewer complications than other available weight-loss surgeries. It can provide long-term, consistent weight loss if accompanied with ongoing behavior changes.Gastric bypass isn’t for everyone with obesity, however. It’s a major procedure that poses significant risks and side effects and requires permanent changes in your lifestyle.Who is gastric bypass surgery for?Generally, gastric bypass surgery is reserved for people who are unable to achieve or maintain a healthy weight through diet and exercise, are severely overweight, and who have health problems as a result. Gastric bypass may be considered if:·Your body mass index (BMI) is 40 or higher (extreme obesity).·Your BMI is 35 to 39.9 (obesity), and you have a serious weight-related health problems such as diabetes or high blood pressure.Gastric bypass surgery doesn’t replace the need for following a healthy diet and regular physical activity program. In fact, the success of the surgery depends in part on your commitment to following the guidelines given to you about diet and exercise. As you consider weight-loss surgery, make sure that you make every effort to exercise, change your eating habits and adjust any other lifestyle factors that have contributed to your excess weighthttp://www.mayoclinic.com/health/gastric-bypass/HQ01465http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/gastric-bypass-diet/WT00007http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/gastric-bypass-surgery/AN01378I had gastric bypass surgery in April 2005. I started out at 268, now I’m 180 and holding, after 1 year and 7 months. These links will help you in many ways to make a decision if this is for you or not. I vote yes, because it made such a difference in my life. I was taking 8 pills a day, and after my surgery, I lost my diabetes. The way they do the surgery, takes your diabetes away. I no longer have to take glucophage, and I no longer have high Cholesterol or high blood pressure. I’m down to 2 pills a day. I went from a size 26-28 to a 16-18.Most people struggle with paying for the surgery. Go to this site, it is a great support system for you, because it’s only people who have had gastric bypass. Every insurance program has been rated, and you’ll get tips on how to deal with your insurance company, as well as, surgery tips, food tips, and just support. http://www.obesityhelp.com/There is a very good web site by a guy named Basil White. He’s a govt. worker and a comedian. He walks you through everything. Very interesting. He had the surgery and did well.http://www.basilwhite.com/gastric/Some other helpful links…http://dir.yahoo.com/Health/Diseases_and_Conditions/Obesity/Gastric_Bypass_Surgery/http://www.stapleclub.com/general_info.htmhttp://www.locateadoc.com/articles.cfm/1454/1337http://www.dhmc.org/webpage.cfm?site_id=2&org_id=28&morg_id=0&sec_id=0&gsec_id=35507&item_id=35508http://www.mygastricbypass.com/http://www.gwdocs.com/health/eHA-eHA_Content_C-Generic_Content_Page_Template_1131123706877.htmlGood luck with your surgery and new life!What do you think?
A: My Dr. and I just discusses this last week. Not all people who go through that are going through it due to being lazy. I have limited things i can do as of exercise as i was a passenger in a car accident that almost broke my neck. My feet are bad and i can’t walk much or use a tread mill.Dr. talked about this due to trying to help me lower my blood pressure, diabetes, high cholestrol, ect. I will review all the info here and all the sites you listed and talk to my Dr. again. Thank you Ziggy for your information.
Gastric Bypass surgery….good…bad?
Q: I have an appointment tomorrow to go see a surgeon about getting a gastric bypass surgery. I’ve been overweight for most of my life and have tried just about every diet on the planet but without much success. I am really looking forward to seeing the surgeon about a Gastric Bypass. There is no cost for me (we are military) so that is not a factor. They will even do body lifts after the weight is lost. I was wondering if anyone has had any experience with the procedure. Was it a good thing for you or bad? Was it worth it? What can I expect? I’ve done lots of research on the web but hearing from real people is so different!Yes, I have always exercised.. it’s kinda goes along with the whole dieting thing. to diet and not exercise is just stupid. I was walking 4 milesa day and doing weights but would still only lose a small amount of weight over a period of months and then just stop losing period.Thank you all! You’ve got some really great opinions and ideas. I’m not worried about the surgery itself..the surgeon we have here is a leader in the field of Gastirc Bypass and has done many of them. I know all the risks involved.
A: Been there.I had it about 5 years ago when I was 50. I lost 195 pounds in a year and a half.You said all the right things when you said you were overweight most of your life and had tried a lot of diets. I don’t approve of it for people who gained weight in adulthood and don’t want to diet.You may not have any choice if you are in the military of the type of surgery you have, but if you do, go for the duodenal switch. It has fewer complications. You should also have it done by laparoscope or partially by laparoscope to minimize the incisions, if there is any choice. Big incisions make it hard to move after surgery, and you really need to move to prevent complications. If you still have your gallbladder, it should be removed at the same time because weight loss causes gallstones.I am going to tell you the bad parts about this surgery, because you need to know what you are going to live with if you have it. Your stools will be greasy and foul-smelling for the rest of your life. You will have more intestinal gas than you had before, and it is foul, too. Your hair will probably get thin in the first year, although it will probably grow back later. You will probably get acne in the first year. You will probably have to give up carbonated beverages for life (they aren’t dangerous after your stomach heals, but give you gas because you don’t belch naturally). You will probably be lactose intolerant after surgery, which may or may not improve. You will have to take special vitamins for the rest of your life. You will have to have a lot of protein in your diet for the rest of your life. If you have the RNY type of surgery, you will not be able to eat things with a lot of sugar in them. If you eat a lot of fatty foods, you will get diarrhea. Plastic surgery to remove extra skin helps, but may never look natural. The kind of tummy tuck they do after major weight loss, which involves tightening ligaments as well as cutting off skin, is major surgery with a huge incision. Any surgery in an obese person carries a high risk because anesthesia in obese person is dangerous, and because they do not walk or breathe as easily after surgery as normal persons.Now the good part. The weight loss is effortless and fast. Expect up to 30 pounds in the first month. Most people can get within 20-30 pounds of their ideal weight, and some reach perfection. It seems impossible to eat at first, but your stomach will expand. If you have the duodenal switch, you can eat normal-sized meals after a couple of years. You can eat things that used to make you feel guilty. If you have type II diabetes, it will probably go away. If you have hypertension, it will probably go away. If you have high cholesterol, you can be pretty much guaranteed it will go away (mine was 250 before, 130 after). If you have sleep apnea, it will probably go away. You will start feeling light and energetic.My surgeon required that we attend support groups hosted by his office before the surgery, so I had no surprises. I met dozens of people who had had the surgery, and not one of them regretted it. Not one.Some advice on eating after surgery. They tell you to eat a lot of proteins, and this is important so you lose fat instead of muscle. It is hard to fit a lot of protein in a small stomach. I refer to the four food groups as meat, eggs, cheese, and nuts. They tell you to stay away from milk at first, but cheese is okay because the lactose in it has been fermented out. Same with yogurt. Cottage cheese usually has milk added to it after it is fermented, so it is iffy.I am giving you a link to my surgeon’s website that has diagrams of the different types of surgery. There are a lot of other things on the website you might find interesting.Good luck.
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