Why Can’t We Be Friends?


True. Our relentless search for the Holly Grail, -i.e. happiness, peace, wealth, etc.- show clues on why we can’t find it. The state of the world should make us think how ridiculous we humans most look to the eyes of the all-mighty. Whether you believe in God -I admit to be a non-believer- the supreme most be laughing his holy belly off of human stupidity.

We chock because our youth carry knives, they won’t learn about responsible sex, or because they riot for reasons that poltergeist wouldn’t. We wonder why sons, daughters, even dogs take drugs; or why they are promiscuous, and why they fail to listen to adults?

But come on people! Every day news is full of non-friendly news.

>The super powers are eager to show the rest of us their might. They show no respect for international law, or whatever. They attack whoever is not like them, Fidel and the infidels too, and hide the throwing hand behind their arses.

>The UN keep with their customary attitude of a good-for-nothing-accomplish-nothing lads. They protect their diplomatic importance by saying that this country or that country respects not human rights, but do nothing about it. Yeah, right!.

>Politicians from every corner of the world are reluctant to say HOW they will make their subdits lives better. They, in election times, say pompously, ‘vote for me, for I do this, and that, and these, and those that will better your life.’ But if they want people’s votes, they should explain HOW the hell they plan to do what they say they will do. Voters should care less about what they do, and more about HOW they are going to do it. And besides, how long will it take them to do the do they promise to do?

>Some say China have no respect for freedom, and that it is a state-sponsors of cyber terrorism (ok, I have no idea what this means.) Yet, the Chinese people rises their living standards. Sure, the benefits have not reach every corner. Much the same as wealth has not reach suburbs of Miami, Los Angeles, Paris, Tokyo, Habana, Jakarta, Mexico City, Colombo, Jerusalem, etc. Etc. eTc. and etC.

You know that politically correctness has gone too far when you notice that,
politicians are not crooks, but mentally overburdened;
politicians are not liers, but truth-ly impaired;
politicians are not sexually harassers, but libido facilitators;
politicians are not cold, but thermally controlled;
politicians are no power seekers, but crooks.


>And what about Aristophanes’s land? Europeans are about to turn into a dumpster one of our treasures, Greece, on the excuse that they must prevent it to implode. The European bosses; France and Germany say that the Greek government cooked the books and went to the Coliseum. However, no one has been punished for the Hellenic fiasco.
Allow me to say it again, how can anyone take politicians serious?

Roughly speaking Greece has been on red for long time, and entering the EU did not change that -does it count that on the day they joined the Union they begin spending what they did not have? They were doing that before, so I think it does not count.

When the Greece PM called for a referendum, Europa’s Sarkozy and Merkel screamed foul, but it is possible that they knew the PM was buying time. I believe they knew it. And I believe everybody in Brussels knew it. At the end the PM, Mr. Papandreou, yield but the show goes on.

There is no easy way out, but it seems obvious that France and Germany are into something. I think it maybe that since they are the ones paying the bills they want the government to guaranteed a fat ROI. Or it maybe something else. Something that the rest of the world, those not related to power houses -i.e. my two readers and I- have no right to know.
Still I think Greeks should take responsibility for their future. It is easy to let the government in turn take charge, but it is not wise and it has never been. It was not wise in Plato’s days and it is not wise now. I ask you.

So the question lingers. Are we humans some day will be friends?

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