Could my bad eating habits be the cause of my irregular periods?

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Could my bad eating habits be the cause of my irregular periods?
More Answers to “Could my bad eating habits be the cause of my irregular periods?
What type of bad eating habits?You get irregular perioids or they could stop althogether if you aren’t getting enough nutrients, or your body fat percentage is too low.Fat produces hormones, so if you don’t have enough fat you won’t have enough hormones and thus may affect your periodEvery body is different though.I’d suggest you check in with your doctor, there could be other causes. Also irregular periods is very bad for your bones, it leeches calcium from them and can cause osteoperosis if you let it go untreated Some girls always have irregular periods; others get theirs every 28 days like clockwork. Many are regular most of the time, but occasionally skip a period or get an extra period during times of pressure or stress. In fact, you may notice that when you go on a trip or have a major change in your schedule your period is late.The length of your periods may also vary – sometimes your period may last 2 days, sometimes 10. That’s because the level of hormones your body manufactures can be different from one cycle to the next and this affects the amount and length of bleeding.
yes, that might be the reason.
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