for girls only.?

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do you prefer tampax tampons or playtex tampons and why
More Answers to “for girls only.?
Tampax. They have so many varieties and I have found they work better for me. I don’t have to worry about about leaks with those tampons. Plus the Pearls rule! tampax. don’t know why, I just do.
i use Tampax. i like their big boxes of multi-absorbency tampons. I’m sure Playtex has that too. I assume they re both pretty much the same. just two different brand names. wht is a tampons actually.. A panty liner??
Do not either. O.B. I tell you the truth i don’t think their is a big differance, Both work for me. They both are fine, i don’t think there is a reason that one is better than the other.
None. I heard they can cause infection and shock. I prefer just plain pads. yeh i use pads at JAMMITT !!hehehehe!!X
tampax.dunno why I don’t prefer one over the other. I think that both are good. They both do the same thing.
Playtex. I prefer cardboard and rounded tip. And with Playtex, you get both in one.I dont use tampons that much, though. I also like Kotex. I box of tampons (with 18) lasts me forever, like 4, 5 months; for real.
I don’t know, I’m still on pads but my mom and sister use both so just try them both there different for all girls!
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