Has anyone ever been told that their HCG levels could be incorrect because they used two different labs?

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I am approx 4-6 weeks pregnant and have been bleeding for 3 weeks. I went to have the blood work done and they wanted to check my HCG levels 48 hours apart. I went to my Dr. on a Thursday and a Lab on a Saturday..Now my Dr. told me that my first level was 96 and my second was 101. She told me that it should have doubled but because I used two different Labs they cannot compare the numbers. She said that it makes a big diffference..so now I have to go back tomorrow to get it done for a 3rd time. Has anyone else ever had this problem?Thanks!
More Answers to “Has anyone ever been told that their HCG levels could be incorrect because they used two different labs?
helloo.Im a medical student.Maybe there is a bias between different labs due too personal or operational mistakes but the result should be the same in all labs if we use the same unit of measure at the same time I am not sure about the varing labs, but during different days they could be different. Get a second opinion. My sister in law had this happen twice, with complications.Always be on the safe side.Congrats and good luck!
It is possible the results are correct. It is also possible one of the labs has not checked to be sure the equipment has been calibrated for accurate testing. Go with a third test with one of the labs.
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