how many days it will take to form a zygote?

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from the mensural cycle how many days we want to wait for the confirmation result
More Answers to “how many days it will take to form a zygote?
I’m not sure what you are asking. If you want to know when you are ovulating, that’s not something I can tell you. You’ll have to learn to take your temperature and check your vaginal fluids for that. If you want to know how many days it takes to find out that you are pregnant, it takes at least 14 days for the hormones to build up enough to test positive for pregnancy. Sometimes it takes longer. If you want to know when conception happens, it happens any time from minutes for up to 4 or 5 days after intercourse. That’s why the morning after pill works to prevent pregnancy after sex.
Your question is not very clear.A zygote is formed when the sperm joins the ovum, which can happen within the 48 hours after intercourse,considering the fact that sperm cannot last in the woman’s body for that long.For confirmation, after 12 days you may check since at that time “the blastocyst has started to produce hormones which can be detected in the woman’s urine”.
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