If someone has irregular periods (1-2 per year) what are NATURAL REMEDIES/practices to stimulate menstration?

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Also…is it harder for someone who doesn’t have regular periods to get pregnant or does it not necessarily make a difference?
More Answers to “If someone has irregular periods (1-2 per year) what are NATURAL REMEDIES/practices to stimulate menstration?
my mother works in a health food store and i have heard her tell women that in means they might go into menopause soon
Are you thin? Periods won’t come if your body weight is low. Eat high fiber whole grains:*buckwheat*amaranth*quinoa*brown rice*oats -preferably wholeALSO, pour an inexpensive brand of organic olive oil (spectrum is usually good) over your foods along with favored spices. (cinnamon/garlic, etc)That’s your first line of defense. Secondly…. take dong quai to strengthen your female organs, magnesium amino acid chelate 200 mg per day, if you have extra money….zinc amino acid chelate 10 mg per dayor just get Female Multiple from Solgar (get at vitamin or health store). Its very comprehensive. I asked this qustion last month. Here are my answers I got.http://youqa.com/question/index;_ylt=An0sWmhBTQsKpbV8Un0lsJfsy6IX?qid=20060703074046AASdJIohttp://youqa.com/question/index;_ylt=AhwhWicdBb0RIt.a4WQWna3sy6IX?qid=20060703073757AAlZSDYI have not have on last that long though.
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