What is lung cancer?Did you know that lung cancer kills more women every year than breast cancer?

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What is lung cancer?Did you know that lung cancer kills more women every year than breast cancer?
More Answers to “What is lung cancer?Did you know that lung cancer kills more women every year than breast cancer?
Cancer is a disease in which certain body cells don’t function right, divide very fast, and produce too much tissue that forms a tumor. The lungs, a pair of sponge-like, cone-shaped organs, are part of the body’s respiratory system. When we breathe in, the lungs take in oxygen, which our cells need to live and carry out their normal functions. When we breathe out, the lungs get rid of carbon dioxide, which is a waste product of the body’s cells. Cancers that begin in the lungs are divided into two major types, non-small cell lung cancer and small cell lung cancer, depending on how the cells look under a microscope. Each type of lung cancer grows and spreads in different ways and is treated differently.
Heart disease kills more than both and all can be linked to smoking not surprised there’s a lot of smokers out there. Cancer is cells going out of wak multiplying and dividing more than they should. Cancer happens when you mess up your DNA
Lung cancer can be caused by drinking alcohol &/or smoking. Lung cancer kills not only women but men as well, but yes. Yes, it does kill more women than breast cancer kills us women.
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