is it normal if i don’t poop for 3 or 4 consecutive days?

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i used to poop every morning some years back but now i dont know how that changed. i really would like to get back to the every day pooping
More Answers to “is it normal if i don’t poop for 3 or 4 consecutive days?
Haha, though a very funny question actually a very serious one. What comes out of our bodies is the only real way we can tell what’s going on inside of them without a doctor. So no, I do not think it’s very normal. I would venture to say that when you do poop, you probably poop more like a rabit than say.. a dog. A few little poops that come out individually and not in a long continuous fashion. This is from having an unhealthy diet. Look into your diet and try and get more whole grains and fiber. This should improve your regularity. If the problem continues after that, you should really consider talking to your doctor. That’s not that good for your colon.Eat a lot of salad.or something..
Try . The product is called ‘experience’. This is just to get you moving, you need to eat better.
no try drinking prune juice. it might taste bad but it works!
My friend doesn’t poop for a lot longer time period than that and had all sorts of tests done, colonoscopy etc. They said she had a mega colon and it was her normal. But if it is difficult to pass or you have abd pain, then no, you should see dr. Straining puts pressure on your heart so no not a good thing. Good luck to you.
I don’t think it’s abnormal. Not everone goes at a regular time. I used to go about once every three days,and I felt fine. Then,when I did start I did it two or three times a day. Now it’s almost once a day for me. If you want to go everyday don’t rely on laxatives. Eat a good cereal with lots of fiber.
Try adding more fiber to your diet.
No it is not normal for you to go that long without pooping. For whatever reason a person needs to loose that waste from there body. Coffee does it for me. What can happen is that your bowels can lock up on you which means that your gastric system can shut down which can cause then to erupt inside of your. I have a friend who became very ill after not having one for 5 days. She kept complaining of headaches and her stomach being upset. And she thought it was something else and she almost died. She past out and her family rushed her to the hospital and that’s that it was. So please do not play with your life like that find something to make you go. THAT IS SERIOUS!!
it depends on how you currently feel. If you’ve been sick or extremely stressed out over the past couple of days, then I wouldn’t worry about it. I’m in the military, and when I went through Boot camp (which is of course, extreeeeemly stressful) no one in my group of about 50-60 people had to use the restroom for the first three days or so. If your feeling normal, well, you may just be blocked up so take some laxatives. If that doesn’t help. I’d go see a doc about it because that can get you really sick.
not necessarily healthy but normal is a possibility.,.,what goes in.,.,.,thusly comes out ,so ur probably poopin about as regularly n healthily as ur eatin.take a look at ur diet,or try metamucil.,.,.,.it works great.,.,.
It’s normal for some people, but it’s not at all healthy. I had hemorrhoid surgery years ago and I was told never, ever to let myself get constipated again. I was told to take Metamucil every day for the rest of my life and I do- and lots of fiber in my diet. Otherwise you’re taking a chance on hemorrhoids or colon cancer developing.
yea i do the same thing. I don’t think it matters it’s like i save everything and i wont have to poop for 3 days and then baaam you have to go really bad.
IT is not normal. consult gastroenteritis , he will do colonoscopy to rule out gastro intestinal disorders, constipation etc.chronic constipation is not good.if you do not like to make a visit doctor, try taking abundant quantities of fiber and drink lot of water and avoid spicy foods, and in take of coffee tea
Normal is different for everyone. Is this normal for you? If this is your regular schedule and you have no problems when you do have a bowel movement, then you are normal.
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