I was told im @great risk for hypertension ,what should i be eating?

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everyone in my family has hypertension except me and my brother,am im told im going to get it .
More Answers to “I was told im @great risk for hypertension ,what should i be eating?
start by limiting sodium [salt] intake & go to your dr. of course.
Watch your fat intake. Cholestrol can cause hypertension, and limit your salt intake. Drink lots of fluid to flush out the toxins that are stored in your body. Exercise and eat lots of veggies and whole grains.
With a family history of hypertension, it would be worth getting a book on the DASH diet, which is shown to reduce hypertension. Lots of fruits and veggies, no salt, low fat, and good fats. Check out a bookstore, they’ll know where to point you to find books on this.
Watch your salt intake and drink plenty of water.If it runs in your family, monitor it with Dr. visits regularly.Strokes can evolve from hypertension, so be careful..
Skip the cheese, french fries, butter, all fried foods, …eat veggies, fruit, grains, oatmeal, lean meats.Excercise.like riding a bike for an hour 5 days a week, play basketball, baseball, ski, run..get off the keyboard and shut the TV off.
Visit this website and learn as much as you can about it from an MD who saw the light over 20 years ago: http://www.drmcdougall.com
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