I have these bumps..?

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I have these red bumps, well spots I guess. In between my thighs. Please no smartass remarks.they hurt when i walk because my legs rub together i have tried lotion but it’s not dry skin. Sometimes they get pockets of something in them. Someone said Boils, but now I have scars and they are still on my thighs.
More Answers to “I have these bumps..?
Medical advice is never easy to give over the internet – Definitely go see a doctor and have them treated regardless of what they may be. Only a physician can diagnose and treat whatever those bumps are. Best wishes for good health!
oronine skin ointment, works wonders
It is a rash from the rubbing together of the skin..like a heat rash. It needs to be kept as dry as possible.use talcum power, carry a little container with you and keep the area dry as much as possible. It will feel so much better once the powder is on it, you will notice right away. Let me know what happens.
try to go to your docter maybe he/she could give ya something for them and its probley becuz of the heat and things and your body swets so i some times get them and my doctor said it was from the heat and swet but just ask your doctor and see whathe/she says that worked great for me Source(s):i went to the doctor
its called chaffing thats because of the skin rubbin together u can get over the counter stuff for it
NO – I know Exactly what you are talking about. I think they are pimples but because the skin there is.softer and thinner and subjected to more friction and moisture, they look different. Don’t worry about them, they’ll go away. If you use powder that will stop the chaffing but clogg the pores. Just wear (clean) jeans or shorts that prevent chaffing and try to stay clean and cool. Good Luck. go see a dermatologist.
Why don’t your try visiting your doctor.
It may be a condition called folluculitis and may need an oral antibiotic such as doxycycline for 2-3 weeks. I think you should see a physician if this has gone on for more than a month.
It’s where your in between (private area), and inner thighs get moist and sweaty and start causing friction as you walk and then your skin rubs raw. Use a pantyliner in between your periods to absorb regular vaginal discharge, and after a bath or shower use vagisil powder between your thighs to prevent chafing. Change your pantyliner regularly, you’ll know when they need changed. In between showers or baths use the powder as needed daily to prevent chafing between your thighs.
possibly jock itch from the friction, thats fungal. just get some anti fungal ointment. also, lose weight to prevent the friction.
they are boils dear,dont worry thats all they are. Dont mess with them wiat for them to puff then go to the doctor
It could be a bad yeast infection in your skin. I used to work for a OB/GYN doc. office and many women came in with this problem and it was on other parts of their body as well. Definitely go see the doc. to get treated. A dermatologist would probably be best. If you can’t get in to see one soon, go to your gynecologist or family doctor to at least get a prescription for relief and then see a dermtologist later for a more thorough evaluation.
try wearin sheer tights with a sheen, there will be no rub or itchin.Puttin cream on will make it worse, use somethin antiseptic based like tea tree to take the redness and swellin down
sounds like heat bumps caused by your legs rubbing together. i’m not trying to be rude but sounds like you need to lose a little weight.
It probably happens when your legs rub together. Maybe thats how it all started?
Caused by chafing. Try gold bond powder. If that doesn’t work, go to your doctor. I get them too.
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