how to keep underwear and bed clean when i masturbate ?

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how to keep underwear and bed clean when i masturbate ?
More Answers to “how to keep underwear and bed clean when i masturbate ?
Paper Towel?is this a riddle?
Just keep some kleenex or paper towel on hand. DUH. Use some common sense. Or buy some condoms and do it into them. Just be creative and use common sense. And don’t wear your underwear while masturbating. use a contaner
Take underwear off and put a towel on the bed
You are the most uncreative masturbater ever!!
use condom when u do it.
Grow the **** up
hide under your bed and think up perverted questions.he he.ho ho.I’m an idiot under my bed!!
do it on the glass lol
do it on the toilet.
why do you wanna keep it clean. It’s not dirty.
Ever heard of paper towels or toilet paper?
Use common sense.
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