What are some reasons my period would be late?

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I know for sure I’m not pregnant, I haven’t had sex in seven months. I’ve just recently moved. My period is now two weeks late. I’ve had it be late before because I was stressed out, but never two weeks late. Any ideas?
More Answers to “What are some reasons my period would be late?
some medicines (like antibiotics) will throw it off, not having sex for 7 months can be stressful moving is stressful could be a number of things if ur not on meds. check with ur doctor he can run some tests to find out what the problem is
stress;menopause; diet; hormonal imbalance; or youve mixed up your dates!
It could be stress, your diet, excersise habits, a lot of things! If you’ve just moved, it’s most likely stress. Check it out with your ob gyn if you want. 2 weeks is not that late, but if you don’t get it in another week or so, check it out. Good luck! I think you’re right. It’s probably stress.
Maybe you’re pregnant. Have you had sex in seven months? I bet you have, because I doubt you’ve moved in a while. How late is it? Has it ever been late before? If so, why? I have NO ideas. Maybe you’re going thru menopause. Ew.
there could be a billion reasons. But the best thing to do about it is call up your OBGYN and ask her/him about it. If you haven’t had a significant life change, then that wouldnt really be the issue. If this happens often, you may want to talk to your OBGYN about putting you on birth control just to regulate your periods. that way you know exactly what day it will be coming. hope it helps.
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