Is it true that girls ‘queef’ when they have sex? how does this happen and is it preventable?

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sorry to sound preverted im just curious :/
More Answers to “Is it true that girls ‘queef’ when they have sex? how does this happen and is it preventable?
As far as I know this is normal. Anytime that air enters the body, it will escape sooner or later. During sex, the body is completely open, so air is going to enter. When the male enters the space is bottle up and when he exits it escapes like pressure being relieved. Same thing like when you open a soda air escapes. iF you reseal it the air is closed it and unable to expand. Opening the bottle means that pressure is release again. Hence the “puff” sound produced.
It depends on what position you are in and if the man pushed air inside of you. It does happen and it can be very embarrassing during the act itself, but the way I explain it to my husband when it happens to us, is that I wouldn’t do that if he didn’t push the air up there to begin with! If it happens, don’t worry that won’t be the last time and there might be other things that are more embarrassing that might happen to you along the way.
Not all girls every time. A “queef” is caused by air being pushed into the vagina, eventually it has to come back out. (technically it’s the guys fault) Hee Hee Anyway, if you’re young and having your first sexual experiences, it may seem embarrassing to you and him, but you’ll get over it eventually. When you are having intercourse make sure you are flexing your vaginal and abdominal muscles this will expel the air and also keep it from entering. (however it’s not foolproof)
It is when there is a build-up of air during intercourse, once the penis is removed from the vagina, a small amount of air is expelled..making a sound.I don’t think there is a way to avoid it, it isn’t bothersome. It’s just something that occurs naturally. If your male friend really gets mad, just don’t give him any pleasure anymore, i’m sure he wouldn’t mind a little queef.Good luck and don’t worry!
Although I can’t stand that word (probably made up by some guy to be funny), it is true that sometimes it happens. During the act air can be pushed inside, and it can make a “sound” when it comes back out.There – that’s about as non-perverted as I can get. 🙂
This happens only when they reach orgasm.Why should this be prevented? It should be understood and at best appreciated.
It happens! It’s just part of it. Just act like it doesn’t bother you and chances are the man doesn’t care anyway! wall this 🙁
Yes it does occur and it is a natural occurence when something is inserted into an enclosure and the air escapes. Also known as c_ _ _ farts.I personally don’t mind it and it doesn’t always occur everytime you do it. There are several other sounds that occur during the act like grunting, puffing, and the slapping of bodies together. Just accept it as part of the total experience and don’t obcess about it.
Yes,its true and there is no way to prevent it. Air gets trapped in there when something is completely taken out and re-inserted resulting in a queef. Or of air is blown in and someone pushes down on your stomach.
I never heard the term before today. Yes I have had it happen but I never worried about it and neither should you.Just make sure you are using birth control and are preventing STDs.
I had to look this one up, I had never heard of the word “Queef” before the definition is:femalesthat excrete gas through their vagina. So, I think that it is a build up of air in the vagina from the thrusting. So the old saying is, what goes in must come out. I have not had it happen personally, but after the air does come out. I also don’t think that it can be prevented.
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