the pee hole of girls is inside the vagina or outside or where is it?

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the pee hole of girls is inside the vagina or outside or where is it?
More Answers to “the pee hole of girls is inside the vagina or outside or where is it?
Pictures can be seen at the website below..Reproductive Organs 101Female Frontal Female Sideview Male Sideview outside the vagina, below the clitoris
It’s called the urethra and it’s located in front of the vagina.
between the clitoris and the vaginal opening.
go to the web sites the one person gave you. The opening is called the Urethra and is located between the clitoris and the vaginal opening, although closer to the vaginal opening.
ask your dad
You need to go check a book on anatomy out of the Library so you’ll know for sure. The advice you’re getting on Internet is contradictory so I’m not even going to give my opinion. It would just confuse you more. Go look it up. You’ll be much more confident with the answer you receive there.
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