Does KY Jelly really helps ease Yeast Infection?

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I came across this answer to a yeast infection question and the answerer sugguested using KY Jelly to help condition Yeast Infection. Does anyone knows how true is this? I’ll provide the link to that question.;_ylt=Apa3xLI0CL2f2E6cs7KoPYkh4wt.?qid=1006060131016
More Answers to “Does KY Jelly really helps ease Yeast Infection?
i don’t see how this can help yeast infection see a doc
Maybe it would help ease the itching but that is not the purpose of KY and therefore is not the recommended use for it. OTC yeast infection treatments come with a cream to help with the symptoms. I’d stick to what is known to work. If a yeast infection doesn’t go away after one OTC treatment then it is time to see a doctor.
I never heard such things. See a doctor and get diagnoesed and treated properly.
Never heard of that one, guess it may be seen as if it help as its cold and may stop the itch and burn, but I have never heard of that before, and it does seem as if the person using the KY is just treating the symptom not the cause!!Try natural yogurt, it does work, but if you don’t like the idea of that get some cream from the chemist or they do an oral tablet form now too.But you should always get things checked by a doctor if you are unsure. If this person is sexually active too then I hope they are using protection, or even if this is thrush they can still pass it on and share it with their partner.
no never heard of that but I will tell you what does is douching with yogurt i used to get them from antibiotics when i was younger i was told by my mother that this works why I’m not sure but it does that was before monastat or anything else
as far as i know this does not help. Go to your Dr. and seek treatment. Better safe than itchy, ect…
1st thing 1st. KY jelly is actually a lubricant. and its water based.if you are suffering from yeast infection. using that, will not help to ease the discomfort and it obviously doesnt help to cure it. the only way to cure yeast infection, visit your doctor and get anti-fungal medication. be it pessary or anti-fungal drugs. for the time being, if you feel very uncomfortable, you can go to any pharmacy and get a anti-fungal. apply the affected area. it will help. do it continously and please do not stop as you feel better. advice to you is, please visit a doctor. its a very simple problem which can be cured very easily. I’ve never heard such things……
no ! it; a sexual lub. you need monosat for yeast infections see your gyn. !
No ! better see a doctor before it too late. “KY” is a jelly light cream, act as a lubricant. To prevent pain caused by friction, not only on sex purposes, sometimes used in tubes insertion into any part of our body for medical purposes. For your info.
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