If you have uti, can the doctor tell you exactly what is causing you to have it?

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If you go to the doctor and they say u have uti, can they determine what exactly is causing the infection? I know there are many things that can cause it like bacteria, etc. Please help me with this subject. thanx!
More Answers to “If you have uti, can the doctor tell you exactly what is causing you to have it?
no they wouldnt noe what was causing it
The UTI is caused from bacteria in your urinary tract. The bacteria can be caused by many different things.Frequent sexual intercourse, wiping from the rectum towards the front are causes among other things..The doctor could not tell exactly where the bacteria came from. Lots of water and cranberry juice are the best ways to beat a UTI.
They will take a urine specimen and send it to the lab for a culture and sensitivity,which means they will grow the bacteria,and determine which medication will kill it.There are many causes for UTI’s..Wiping from the rectum to the front,bacteria transmitted via sex,not emptying your bladder when you feel the urge,which causes stagnant urine,catheter insertions,rectal fistulas etc.He probably won’t be able to pin in down as to how you got the infection unless you show the bacteria that produces gonorrhea,chlamydia, etc. which are sexually transmitted. They can tell you what type of bacteria but they can’t tell you exactly what caused it. They can tell you if you have a yeast infection and those can cause a UTI
how are u gonna know and they not know i think they should.
I HAVE THE ANSWER:I had UTI’s for years and years doc told me it was soda that was giving me them I thought he was a goof but knocked off the sodas to give it a try and sure enough I haven’t had one since I didn’t give soda up all together but did cut WAY back on it.Soap can also do it if you take bubble baths alot then that could be your problem there.
No, doctors can not tell you what the cause of it is. But if you are immunocompramised (have a weak immune system) or on medications that weakend the immune system, that could be a cause of the UTI.
Yes, they can tell you exactly which bacteria are causing the infection. The most common bacteria would be E.coli, which is normally found in your intestines and can enter the urethral opening from the skin around the anus and genitals. E.coli is responsible for about 80% of UTIs. Other bacteria that can cause UTIs include staph (5-15% of cases), chlamydia, and mycoplasma hominis.It doesn’t really matter which bacteria is causing the infection — it just matters that you see a doctor to get treatment for it.
they know you have an infestion and they look under the scope to give you the right treatment for you and yes they can tell you.
No I don’t think they can. They might be able to give you some general cuases but specifics no.
Having sex will cause it,I have so many uti`s that i have to take an anti botic every time i have sex.so good luck
They can try to teach you and they can rule out some things. Your urine has to be a cetain acidity or alkalinity (pH) to keep bugs from growing easily in it…one way is to drink 100% cranberry juice or to take the cranberry capsules from a health food store or Walmart, cut the caffeine out, drink plenty of water. Wipe from front to back etc. Don’t sit in bubble bath water. Don’t wear silk panties, or at least have a cotton liner in them. Don’t wear panties to sleep in. They can tell you what bacteria it is if they culture it. Also, a scope exam can tell you whether or not (if you have repeated infections) you have a stricture (a narrowing) of your urinary tract etc.
i don’t think so. but, if you talk to a doctor about your daily habits, i’m sure your doctor will be able to tell you what is the most likely cause for your infections. if your sexually active, you might want to make sure you pee after sex, or generally don’t try to hold in your pee. that can cause a uti. but yeah, like i said above, a doctor should be able to tell you the most likely reason.
Depends on the doctor, some will tell you the problem while others will just treat it.
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