how long does it take to fully recover from a pelvic floor repair?

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how long does it take to fully recover from a pelvic floor repair?
More Answers to “how long does it take to fully recover from a pelvic floor repair?
Any surgery that involves cutting and sewing will take six weeks for the tissues to gain their full strength. As far as what you can do and when you can do it, it depends a lot on your overall health and what it is you want/need to do.As long as you are on any narcotic pain medication, you should not drive.My guess is that you will be up and about in a day or two, able to get around while taking it easy for a week or two, and feeling pretty good after that. Of course, strenuous activity will be off limits for a while, probably 4-6 weeks.
As I do not know the status of your overall health and have no knowledge of the extent of the repair and the specific tehcnique used, I’d suggest you contact an obstetrical surgeon and ask the office staff. I don’t even know if you are speaking of yourself or just in general.
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