Do overweight people have the urge to go the bathroom more frequently than the rest of us??

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I know this is a bizarre question but my sister is always going pee! She even wakes up 2-3 times in the night to go to the bathroom! She’s been checked by the doctor for problems with her bladder but they can’t find anything! She’s 36 years old and about 50 pounds overweight and has never had kids! I told her that I think it’s cuz she’s too heavy and the fat in her abdomen is pushing on her bladder. She told me that I am full of **** but I truly do believe that’s what it is. She’s been checked with both the pelvic ultrasound and also for diabetes and thyroid! All results are fine!!! Anybody out there gained weight and found that they have to “use it” a lot more than the rest of us???
More Answers to “Do overweight people have the urge to go the bathroom more frequently than the rest of us??
i don’t think weight has anything to do with it. she could just have a small bladder. the only time I’ve seen a woman pee more often is when she is pregnant because the fetus is pushing on the bladder 24/7. stop making you sister feel bad about her weight problem
I guess everyone is different. I’m unfortunately considered obese (though my big bone and height help alot to NOT look obese). I weigh 230 lbs at 5’9″ and am on a diet as we speak. I DID weigh 239.5 in the beginning of Sept. I said all that to say this – if I drink too much water, tea or coffee – I’m peein!! Other than that – no. I don’t hardly go to the bathroom at all. To each their own.
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