would you feels uncomfortable to have sex first time in your life ?

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would you feels uncomfortable to have sex first time in your life ?
More Answers to “would you feels uncomfortable to have sex first time in your life ?
Truthfully drawing from my very own experience as well as closely intimately speaking/sharing honestly with other females too (whether they’re family members/friends/Doctors/random others)..it is ALWAYS PAINFUL & MOSTLY UNCOMFORTABLE for any FEMALE their very First Time they lose their Virginity (as well as a few more times to follow too) & have intercourse S-E-X! Bleeding is also a possibility too within the happening process of the procedure of copulating.So as a MALE—PLEASE be considerately gentle with ya partner in such a circumstance! Make sure you wait until you are fully READY & IN LOVE though before doing the deed.Remember to be completely responsible & safe also! it hurts like hell.
it shows you are still young the way you ask. Yes, everybody is, even if you are a girl or a boy. First time is always an uncomfortable one. But doing it at the right time at the right way will make it easier, lovelier and memorable one. It will be magical if it would be with someone closer to your heart. Yeah it did for me. It hurt a great deal. I would not recomend it unless it is with someone you love and trust. You must take your time and have known them a long time or it can be scarry. It hurt so bad and I really loved him and he was nice. I did not want to. I wanted to stop. I had bleeding. My friends described a great deal more. The 1st few times were very unpleasent. Then it got to be a good thing.
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