Does discharging alot show early signs of pregnancy

Health related question in topics Womens Health .We found some answers as below for this question “Does discharging alot show early signs of pregnancy”,you can compare them.

Sometimes a small amount of spotting or vaginal bleeding is one of the first symptoms of pregnancy. Known as implantation bleeding [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Does discharging alot show early signs of pregnancy
Is alot of white or yellowish discharge a sign or early pregnancy…?
ok first of all you need to use a damn condom because you dont need to bring another mouth into this messed up world and getting on welfare.. well you need to go to the Dr ASAP cus you might be pregnant… its good making love but not good …
Is discharging a lot of white sticky stuff an early sign of pregn…?
first of all i hope its not an std since you had unprotected sex second do you want to have a baby if not why the hell would you have unprotected sex and last take a test you cant use discharge as a sign of pregnancy
Is white vaginal discharge not a lot and frequent urination an ea…?
Could be a sign of a urinary tract infection. Go see a doctor, because a UTI left untreated could lead to a bladder infection, which could lead to a kidney infection, which is painful and more difficult to treat.

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repost: Is thick, creamy discharge a sign of early pregnancy? ?
Q: I am on CD 12… Haven’t had this kind of discharge before. No smell.I know it’s not a yeast infection.. lolIs it a good “early” sign? I’ll take a HPT when AF doesn’t show… (IF, I mean.. heh… )47 minutes ago – 3 days left to answer. Additional Details36 minutes agoCD12…. I thought I was pregnant in Nov, but had spotting on and off for 9 days (also found an ovarian cyst in Aug) so I thought that had something to do with it… Read up ALOT on it and “Hey, it could happen”…. Sooo…. Maybe I was pregnant last month also?? Other things that are different are.. Sore BB’s, Gas, Burping and the other… (blush) and for some reason, EVERY MORNING I have a new blemish… and Normally my skin is pretty clear… Period this month isn’t due for another 17 days… but is it possible I could have gotten preg. in Nov?35 minutes agoalso feel more bloated.. and getting twitches in my ovaries……..
A: it can be but your body also make that same sort of discharge before your period comes, but it could be anything so give it some time and see what happens
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