How effective is the withdrawal method

Health related question in topics Womens Health .We found some answers as below for this question “How effective is the withdrawal method”,you can compare them.

The withdrawal method is 81% effective. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How effective is the withdrawal method
How fast can you withdraw? The risks are even quicker of dribble remaining. Unless you like playing Russian Roulette with pregnancy, effectiveness of pregnancy is 100%. I know, been there , done that. The only method 100% pregnancy proof i…
The withdrawal method, also known as coitus interruptus or onanism, is the oldest method of birth control. It got its name from Onan whose story is told in Genesis 38:8-10. In that story, Judah told Onan to marry his brother’s wife and have…
The withdrawal method, also known as coitus interruptus or onanism, is the oldest method of birth control. It got its name from Onan whose story is told in Genesis 38:8-10. In that story, Judah told O Contraceptives – Tablets and Sponges Po…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How Effective is Withdrawal method birth control?
Q: i’ve been married for one year and plus, and me and my wife were using withdrawal method for nearly ten months, we did not encounter any problems, but since it is not adviced to use withdrawal method we decided to buy latex condoms and use them since pill and most other methods causes weight problems and we do want children in the future. People says Withdrawal method is not good, and not effective but i think Withdrawl method is pretty effective, I read a article and it says most of the sperm in pre *** is dead, and little amount of sperm is not enough to get pregnant. Thats why, when a person is having one testicular removed for some health reason, that person can’t make a girl pregnant. So if that much accuracy is required to get pregnant, Don’t you think that Withdrawal method is pretty effective than we think when practiced properly? What does everyone think? how to increase the effectiveness of withdrawal method? will keeping an eye on ovulation and using withdrawal is effective?
A: unless your wife has perfectly regular cycles she won’t always know when she’s ovulating. The withdrawl method is not at all effective.As for having a testicle removed you can still have children, my husband only has one due to an injury where he had to have one removed. There is no “proper” way to do the withdrawl method. Use the condoms, they are a better method then with drawl. Also there are none hormonal birth controls, she should ask her doctor about an IUD.
Is withdrawal an effective contraceptive method for unwanted pregnancy?
Q: Is withdrawal an effective contraceptive method for unwanted pregnancy?Does it have any side effects? Won’t it do harm to both partners?
A: It is not a good contraceptive method because there is still a chance that the sperm will get into the vagina. There are no side effects as long as you don’t hold in sperm during ejaculation
Just wondering, how effective is the withdrawal method?
Q: Has anyone become pregnant using this method? How effective is precum in getting someone pregnant? My friend and I were discussing this and she debated that the chances are of getting pregnant are slim unless he actually cums inside you. Any opinions?
A: There is semen in precum, and it only takes one sperm to do the job. I got pregnant using this method when I was 16….my daughter is 16 now and I make sure she knows that the only surefire way not to get pregnant is to not have sex, but if she chooses to, she must insist on the use of a condom.
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