How many days apart are your periods

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Your first day of your period to the first day of you next period should be between 28-32 days. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How many days apart are your periods
How many days apart are your periods suppose to be?
Usually afer 28 days, but when I was younger my period cycle was a bit large: 33 days! But it was regular! Now, it has dropped to 28-30 days. If your period is not regular, you should go to a doctor & see what you can do about it!
How many days do your period be apart?
This depends on how long your menstral cycle is. The usual cycle is 28 days long. Day one of the cycle is the first day of your period. If your period lasts for five days then take five away from 28 and you will have 23 days before your nex…
Is it normal for a woman to have periods 23 days apart??
Well I am not sure it is “normal” or not but my cycle usually runs short like that. I have fibroid tumors (four golf ball size ones) but they don’t really cause me trouble (no heavy bleeding, cramps, etc). The thing is, I don’t ea…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How many days apart are your periods suppose to be?
Q: If i got my last period on april 3rd when should i expect my next one?
A: Usually afer 28 days, but when I was younger my period cycle was a bit large: 33 days! But it was regular! Now, it has dropped to 28-30 days. If your period is not regular, you should go to a doctor & see what you can do about it!
How many days are periods usually apart for a 15 year old?
Q: I am 15, and my periods are not always perfectly accturate. I know its 28 days in between periods, but is it 28 days from when it starts or when it ends? My last period started on Feb 2 and ended Feb 7. Now i had it today and it is the 1st. Is it supposed to be this soon? 28 days from when?
A: “28 days” is just an average. very, very few women have periods that are always 28 days apart. anywhere between 21 and 40 days could be normal for you!start counting on the first day of bleeding–this is the first day of a new cycle. so if your last period started on feb. 2, that is day 1. count forward from there.
My friend was wondering: Is it normal to get your periods 26 days apart when they’re usually around 30?
Q: And no, I’m not “my friend”, I’m pregnant so periods would be impossible.But hers are usually around 30 days apart and she got it 4 days early, and she’s like spazzing lol so i’m trying to get her to stop freaking out loluhuh, ahaaha
A: The menstrual cycle is genetically and hormonally determined cycle in women reproductive system. Menstrual cycle is very specific and individual, and can range 24 days to 37 days. Duration is not so important but the regularity is very important. At the beginning cycles could be not regular – it is a period of development. Just remember – normal cycle is what is normal for your body. Read more in http://www.menstrual-cycle.infoBe Healthy and Happy!
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