Is sucralose safe for pregnant women

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The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has rated sucralose safe for pregnant women. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is sucralose safe for pregnant women
Can pregnant and breastfeeding women consume sucralose??
Sucralose can be used by everyone, including pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers. Although sucralose may be used as a part of a healthy pre- and post-natal diet, women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should talk to their doctor or nu…
Can pregnant or lactating women consume sucralose??
Sucralose can be used by all individuals including pregnant women and nursing mothers. Animal studies have found that sucralose is not actively transported across the placenta or across the mammary gland into breast milk. Because absorption…

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is it safe to drink diet soda or anything containing aspartame or any other artificalsweetners while pregnant?
Q: i asked this question just a couple days ago and everyone who answered said that they read or heard that it was bad for u to use anything containing aspartame/sweetners while pregnant. funny, i got this email today from thought other pregnant women might want to read…Discuss the use of low-calorie sweeteners with your health care provider, especially if you are diabetic or need to control calorie intake. The following low-calorie sweeteners have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration, and are considered safe for pregnant women and children: Aspartame (NutraSweet, Equal, Sugar Twin) is a combination of two amino acids, phenylalanine and aspartic acid. It is two hundred times sweeter than table sugar. It can be used in moderation by diabetics. One packet of Equal is the same in sweetness as two teaspoons of sugar. The average amount used supplies no calories. Individuals who have phenylketonuria (PKU) and cannot metabolize phenylalanine, or are sensitive to aspartame, should not use it. Saccharin (Sweet’N Low, Sweet Twin, Necta Sweet) is not metabolized and passes through the digestive system unchanged. It is a noncaloric sweetener produced from an organic compound. It is 375 times as sweet as table sugar and can be used in moderate amounts by diabetics. Acesulfame K (Sunett and Sweet One, Sweet and Safe) is not metabolized and is excreted unchanged by the kidneys. It can be used in moderation by diabetics. One packet of Sweet One is equal to the sweetness of two teaspoons of sugar. It can be used in cooking and baking. Sucralose (Splenda) is not well absorbed and is excreted unchanged. Splenda is the only artificial sugar substitute that is made from sugar. It is 600 times sweeter than sugar. Splenda or sucrolose is often used in baked goods, soft drinks, chewing gum, frozen dairy desserts, fruit juices and gelatins. One of the unique attributes of sucralose is that it can be used virtually like sugar without losing any of its sugar-like sweetness, even in applications that require exposure to high temperatures. Therefore, it can be used in baked products as well. More than 100 studies over 20 years have found no link between splenda and any health problems. It can be used by pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers. Neotame (made by The NutraSweet Co.) is quickly metabolized and completely eliminated from the body. This sweetener is designed more for food industries than the direct consumer or tabletop sweetener market. The main markets for this product are soft drinks, yogurt, frozen dairy desserts and chewing gum. It would take approximately 8,000 teaspoons of sugar to equal 1 teaspoon of neotame.There has been much controversy and debate as to the safety of using these sugar substitutes during pregnancy. Saccharin has received a lot of attention since it can cross the placenta and may remain in fetal tissues. As a dietitian, I believe there is no concern if you use them in moderation. Always discuss your use of low-calorie sweeteners with your healthcare provider.
A: I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes and the dietitian there advised me that artificial sweeteners like Splenda and Aspartame are ok and even a nurse at the hospital advised me that Aspartame is ok … the dietitian also advised me that women who are pregnant have a harder time breaking down the sugar from fruit juice whether real or not ….
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