What are some signs before your period comes

Health related question in topics Womens Health .We found some answers as below for this question “What are some signs before your period comes”,you can compare them.

Some signs before your period come on is cramps, mood swings, and gaining weight. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-some-signs-before-your-period-comes ]
More Answers to “What are some signs before your period comes
Can spotting be a sign of pregnancy two weeks before your period …?
spotting can be a sign of early pregnacy but not a definate sign sore breasts are anthour early sign i would wait till u are due on and do a pregnancy test then. answer yes its a sign of pregnancy which is called Implantation bleeding it do…

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Q: I need to know the signs before it comes because I may be getting it soon… PLEASE help!Ok, I have this white sticky discharge and have had if for about 1-2 months. Does that mean my period is coming soon?
A: Tenderness of breasts is usually a dead giveawaySlight stomach crampsAcne breakoutsMood swingsDischarge
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Q: Well I dont feel grouchy or any mad/sad feeling before my period comes. I don’t have discharge, I probably do but I don’t really know. Also my breasts dont feel tender or are swollen. Maybe they are a little swollen but I don’t see any difference that I can notice. Oh and I didn’t have cramps.
A: you may not have many signals till you get older. Generally, I personally have VERY sore breasts, they get more tender the closer to getting my period. I never noticed them looking swollen, more like feeling swollen. I also have a heavy feeling low in my belly, sometimes a back ache, crave sweets or salt or both!LOL I do get grouchy some months and some months I am just more tender hearted. Start crying at a movie or tv show that normally wouldn’t have affected me one way or the other, stuff like that.
What signs did you get before your period?
Q: I think my first period is coming soon, but I am not sure. Girls what were the things you went through before getting yours?
A: An ache in my stomach, and quite emotional before hand. The world was out to get me, lol, nothing would go right. Mine was stress induced – sometimes that can cause them to start, if you’re ready. That’s just my personal experience but, it does vary.
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