What could it mean if you have really bad cramps on your period

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More Answers to “What could it mean if you have really bad cramps on your period
What does really bad cramps mean during your period??
More times than not it doesn’t mean anything. It is normal to have cramps with your period- your uterus is getting everything out. There are two general types of dysmenorrhea: (painful periods.) Primary dysmenorrhea refers to menstrual pain…
What does it mean when you have really bad cramps even when your …?
It is NEVER normal to have severe pelvic cramping. You really need to see a Gynecologist ASAP! You might have an ovarian cyst, especially if the pain is one sided, either on the left or right. You might have Endometriosis, and the pain coul…
What can really bad cramps mean besides getting my period which i…?
It could mean an infection. A vaginal infection from bacteria that traveled in there either from you or him. Don’t rule out stds. 10/27 is pretty far ahead to start getting period cramps.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

what does really bad cramps mean during your period?
A: It means nothing… it’s normal.
what can really bad cramps mean besides getting my period which i have to get on 10/27 ?
Q: and i just started to get them this wk and i had unprotected sex 3 days ago what else can bad cramps mean?
A: It could mean an infection. A vaginal infection from bacteria that traveled in there either from you or him. Don’t rule out stds. 10/27 is pretty far ahead to start getting period cramps.
I get really bad cramps when im on my period. Does that mean something is wrong?
Q: I read on the cover of CosmoGirl that cramps could mean something is wrong. And I get cramps so bad im throwing up and doubled over in pain. Does that necessarily mean something is wrong?
A: You should definitely talk to a doctor. I’ve had horrible cramps since I got my period at 13. I’ve taken everything over the counter for pain, nothing helped. I’ve been on so many different types of birth control, none of those helped. I’ve even seen three different doctors & they never took it seriously. But it was very serious. I’ve always had to miss school & now, I have to call into work because it is so unbearable. I finally demanded to have a laparoscopy done to determine if I had endometriosis, which they found out that I did.If you’ve gone through the over the counter meds & the birth control, if none of that helps, then you should seriously talk to your doctor about the possibility of having endometriosis. A lot of women have it & don’t even know it. If you catch it early, they can remove a lot of the scar tissue and such and it should help your cramps some.
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