What happens if your pregnant but continue to take your birth control pills

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There’s very little evidence that exposure to the hormones in birth control pills causes birth defects. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-happens-if-your-pregnant-but-continue-to-take-your-birth-control-pills ]
More Answers to “What happens if your pregnant but continue to take your birth control pills
Could I be pregnant and should I continue to take my birth contro…?
when you first start taking birth control, you are adding hormones and estrogen into your body that was not there before. your body is going to react to it. spotting may be a sign of your body reacting. I started taking Yaz a few months ago…
What happens if you become pregnant without knowing and continue …?
Birth control pills these days are not as strong as they were when they first came out decades ago. There is no real risk of harm to the baby. Women can get pregnant on birth control and not realize they are pregnant. Those babies are fine….
Will you still be pregnant if you continue taking birth control p…?
If you are pregnant, most birth control pills will not terminate a pregnancy. Please confirm that you are pregnant with a home pregnancy followed up by a doctor’s visit. They will also be able to tell you to stop taking birth control and wh…

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What happens if you become pregnant without knowing and continue to take your birth control pills what happens
Q: What happens to the baby if you continue taking birth control pills if you dont know that you are pregnant?
A: Birth control pills these days are not as strong as they were when they first came out decades ago. There is no real risk of harm to the baby. Women can get pregnant on birth control and not realize they are pregnant. Those babies are fine. The hormone levels are small enough not to cause issues. Stop taking them as soon as you find out and see a doctor for further information.
What exactly happens if you’re pregnant and continue to take your birth control pills?
Q: What happens if you’re on birth control, become pregnant but still continue to take the pills?In the packet it says do not take if you are pregnant, is there a reason why?
A: Never take Birth Control if you think you may be pregnantIf you are taking Birth Control while pregnant you can cause Birth Defects and MiscarriageYour period may not automatically come and women do spot during pregnancyThe Conception Process takes Over a Full Month2 weeks for the Egg to Fertilize and Implant and another 2-3 weeks to test positive on an HPT or Blood TestPregnancy doesn’t show up until about a week or two after a missed period
what happens if i get pregnant but dont know it and continue taking birth control pills?
Q: I have been taking birth control for about 2 months. My boyfriend and I havent been exactly… (safe). Well i have been experiencing pregnant like symptoms but dont see the point in taking a test just yet being that i am not late yet. If I am pregnant im worried that the birth control might harm the baby…. what could happen?
A: I was on birth control and got pregnant and didn’t know it until I was 13 weeks. For me the birth control made me not menstruate so I could never tell if I was late or not so I would keep home pregnancy tests at home and test myself every couple of months. So it was positive one day and I confirmed with my doctor and the sonogram showed my baby at 13 weeks. I was so worried that being exposed to birth control would have hurt my baby somehow but my doctor assured me that my baby was just fine. Then it didn’t help the matter much that a blood test came back positive for my baby to have down’s syndrome. It wasn’t absolutely positive until I went in for an amnio but I’m terrified of needles so I couldn’t do it and just decided to wait for the baby and love her no matter what. We stayed positive and optimistic since there was a chance that she didn’t have down’s syndrome. They told us it was a 1 in 109 chance. She was born normal and perfect in every way.
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