When are women most fertile for getting pregnant

Health related question in topics Womens Health .We found some answers as below for this question “When are women most fertile for getting pregnant”,you can compare them.

Your most fertile period starts about 4 days before ovulation, and ends about 24 hours following the release of the egg. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/when-are-women-most-fertile-for-getting-pregnant ]
More Answers to “When are women most fertile for getting pregnant
How many days is a women most fertile can avoiding sex then guara…?
the most fertile time for women to become pregnant is day 17. and the 4 days prior to it and the 4 days after it. to know when day 17 is , you start the count on the first day of the menstrual cycle one day per count . at day 17 that establ…

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getting pregnant while on my period and most fertile time for a woman?
Q: i would like to know whether or not someone can get pregnant while on the period. how much of a possibility is it? and also what part of the month is it most likely(fertile) for a woman to get pregnant.
A: you cannot get pregnant on your period.if you have a 28 day cycle, you are most fertile around days 12-14if you have a 32 day cycle, you are most fertile around days 14-16.sperm only lives 72 hours
when is the most fertile time for a women to get pregnant?
A: hope this helps you good lucklaureyjoyallmanFertility charting involves observing and recording your fertility signs so that you can easily see your daily fertility status and identify your most fertile time. It is highly effective because your body provides clues, or signs, that tell you about your fertility status throughout your cycle. There are only a few days each cycle when conception is possible. Charting your fertility helps you to find those days so that you can best time intercourse to get pregnant.You may have been told that you ovulate or are most fertile on day 14 of your menstrual cycle, mid-cycle or even 14 days before your period is expected. These are myths. While this may be the case for some women, it may not be true for you, even if your cycles are regular. Your own fertility pattern is unique to you and charting your fertility will help you to see it.What are Fertility Signs?The most important, or primary, fertility signs are your basal body temperature (BBT) and your cervical fluid. Your basal body temperature can be measured when you wake up with an inexpensive special thermometer that you can buy at your drugstore.Your cervical fluid can easily be observed when you go to the bathroom. Your basal body temperature increases after ovulation due to increased progesterone in your bloodstream. Your cervical fluid is the fluid that is produced by your cervix that you can see and feel in or outside your vagina. Cervical fluid, which is sometimes called cervical mucous (CM), changes throughout your cycle depending on your fertility status. Taking note of these observations and recording them is enough to provide the clues you need to help time intercourse appropriately to get pregnant and see when (and if) you ovulate. Other, secondary, optional signs can add extra insight and help to cross-check the interpretation from your primary fertility signs. Secondary, optional fertility signs that you may or may not choose to observe include: observations of the position, texture and opening of your cervix, results from tests and devices, and other personal observations that you learn to associate with your fertility.
When does a women have the best chances of getting pregnant?
Q: I may want to attempt having another baby. Does anyone know when is the best time to have the most sex and actually get pregnant? When is a woman most fertile? When is a woman ovulating? Some help please…..
A: Check out the book “Taking Charge of Your Fertility” from your library.It will teach you how to monitor your own fertility signs through a variety of methods.
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