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Is it OK to take prenatal vitamins if you are not and never have been pregnant

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People who are not pregnant should avoid prenatal vitamins. The elevated levels of iron and zinc in these supplements are almost always beyond the upper safety limits for non-pregnant adult. ChaCha again soon! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/is-it-ok-to-take-prenatal-vitamins-if-you-are-not-and-never-have-been-pregnant ]
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Is it OK to take prenatal vitamins if you are not and never have …?
People who are not pregnant should avoid prenatal vitamins. The elevated levels of iron and zinc in these supplements are almost always beyond the upper safety limits for non-pregnant adult. ChaCha again soon!

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is it OK to take prenatal vitamins if you are not now and never been pregnant?
Q: My pregnant friend says they have made her nails and hair stronger. I would like to try them. I don’t plan on getting pregnant for at least 3 years.
A: Sure, its absolutely okay to take these vitamins even if you aren’t pregnant or planning on being pregnant anytime soon. I have taken regular multi-vitamins and pre-natal vitamins and there is a huge difference between the two. The pre-natals are much better. I’ve also asked the doctor about this and been told to keep taking the pre-natals.
OK pretty long ttc do you think I might be pregnant question….?
Q: Ok so here I go… Me and my husband are ttc our first child. This month i ovulated on the 22nd. We had sex on the 11th,12th,13th,17th, 20th,22nd twice on the 26th than once on the 1st of December. I am due for my period on the 5th of this month. I have been taking prenatal vitamins and have been drinking a lot of OJ. I have had some symptoms but i am trying to figure out if it is just AF symptoms or pregnancy symptoms. My boobs started hurting about 3 days ago and its mainly at the bottom of both of my breasts. They do hurt all over its just more obvious in that particular area. Then about 3 days ago I started urinating quite frequently (I don’t know what is considered frequent but i would say i went like any were from 9-12 times per day). Its to the point were I would pee than it will hit me all of a sudden like an hour later and i would have to find a bathroom like ASAP! lol. I have also felt some minor cramping/twinging in my lower abdomen. All of these symptoms have been going on for 3 days. I took a hpt but it wasn’t an early detection one so it came back negative so I think its to early to test. I have also been craving food (nothing bizarre but just extreme cravings) like fast food which I never really eat but like once a month and I feel like I could eat it like every day!I also never feel full I just want to eat and eat! ANOTHER sign I have had is I watched a movie 2 nights ago and it made be bawl and I am really not the “cry during a movie” type of person. ( it was the movie UP)I also have these dark blueish green veins all over my chest and around my nipples. My nipples seem a tiny bit larger than normal. The tww is driving me a little crazy but if any of you have had these symptoms before it would be great to hear your experiences.Last night I had a dream that I took a hpt and it was positive, so Im hoping that comes true!!!!
A: If you read the question i posted most recently youll see the same thing has been happening to me, however i have no clue when my period is due to come. I have seen so many signs and symptoms but sometimes your mind can play tricks on you and everything can be psychological. Try not to think about it and see if the symptoms continue. Best of luck to you…. also try this calendar to see if your dates match up for conception and such.http://www.baby2see.com/planner/index.htmlPS dont really listen to everyone on here and in my own experience and as i have seen with others…it seems women who respond to you in the TTC section of yahoo answers usually give you negative responses and tell you not to get your hopes up…and i have seen plenty of women find out they are pregnant after asking YA! users advice. Sometimes women on here especially in ttc are jealous and dont want to see other ppl happy since they too are ttc and are unsuccessful. Just use your gut instinct and take another test…some tests work better and sooner than others …. go to pregnancytestreviews.com i think thats the site… certain tests have the ability to test a lower amount of hcg in the urine therefore are more sensitive and able to detect pregnancy earlier…try first response.BEST OF LUCK!!!!!!
My husband thinks i didn’t tell him i went off the pill and i did when I did. What do I do?
Q: My husband and i got married in the spring of 2007. He new i wanted to have kids fairly soon after. We talked about starting to try in January of 2008 to have children. Well I was do to renew my birth control prescrption in Oct of 2007. Since we were planning on trying to get pregnant I told him i was not going ot renew my prescription…b/c if i did it was only 2 months before we were going to start trying. We didn’t have sex often becuase he was always so tired from his job. So the chances of us getting pregnant right away were small. He said ok. I can remember where he was standing in the kitchen when we had the conversation. When i came back from my annual pap checkup i showed him the prenatal vitamins my OB/Gyn gave me. He said it was cool i got a 3 month free supply. Well i happened to get pregnant soon after beening off the pill. We found out in December that i was due in Aug of 2008. He was shocked and said i never told him that i went off the pill. I was shocked that he said that and somewhat hurt. But i figured he’d come around. Throughout the pregnancy I was really horny but he would never have sex, he said it was becasue it was our sons home. So i figured ok I’d give him his space he’s freaked out about hurting the baby. Well after our son was born and the doctor gave the ok to have sex, he still didn’t want to have sex. It took me 4 months after the birth of our son to get him to have sex with me. We had been married less then 2 years and I’ve already had a 13 month dry spell. Before i got pregnant some times we’d go 2 months or so with out sex but when we did have it he wanted to have it. Now when we have it which we rarely do its a chore for him and he won’t let me give him bjs which are his favorite. He prefers to talk online with his friends the make love to his wife. Finally he just told me since i got pregnant without telling him (which i did tell him he just doesn’t remember. I told my In- Laws too if they knew, why would i not tell him?) he’s having a hard time having sex with me. I feel so hurt that he can’t get over me getting pregnant after 20 months. I’m letting him take care of contaception by using condoms. Shortly after giving birth to my son my cousin who is only 25 had a number of mini strokes because she was on the pill. I told my husband i’m not going back on the pill because the risks of stroke is higher than doctors lead you to believe. I told him its better to have me get pregant then have a stroke and possiblely die. He agree and said he would use condoms for now since I do want more kids eventually. Now he’s telling me he might not be able to handle more kids when he does no work He occationally watches our son while i cook dinner or take a shower. He’s never woken up in the middle of the night for our son or anything I do everything. I love my husband but i’m frustrated that he won’t have sex with me I like sex and would like to have it at least once aweek. And I want more kids. Not within the next year, but with in the next few years. I would love to go to a counselor but i don’t know how about getting a recommendation for a good one. In the mean time what do I do with my Husband. He’s making me depressed. I don’t know what to do to get him intrested in me again!I know my husband doesn’t have another woman and isn’t into men. He’s either at work or at home…He really is kind of a home body…plus I’m in charge of the finances I see his paystubs and everything…so i know he’s not cheatingoh please no answers telling me to leave him that’s just running and solves nothing. My husband is a good man and does love me we just have this one problem
A: heres a cliche answer…talk to him tell him that he needs to get over it. but maybe in a nicer way? just talk to him. im actually surprised you want to have sex, usually new moms dont and the men suffer answer mine please 🙂 i answered yours…http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090720203009AAWiPqW
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