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What vitamins do you take to help prevent bruises

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These nutrients work best at clearing up bruises when applied as topical creams, oral supplements may be helpful in warding off bruising: Oral: Vitamin C 500-1,000 mgs Vitamin K 80 micrograms Zinc 15 mgs Topical: Vitamin C 10% Vitamin K 1% [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-vitamins-do-you-take-to-help-prevent-bruises ]
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What vitamins do you take to help prevent bruises
These nutrients work best at clearing up bruises when applied as topical creams, oral supplements may be helpful in warding off bruising: Oral: Vitamin C 500-1,000 mgs Vitamin K 80 micrograms Zinc 15 mgs Topical: Vitamin C 10% Vitamin K 1%
Is there a vitamin you can take to help prevent bruising??
3000-10,000mg daily in divided doses can help to prevent bruising by providing oxygen to the cells and strengthening capillary walls. Vitamin K helps the body to heal & form blod clots. Coenzyme Q10 is also beneficial in construction &…
Is there a vitamin supplement/herb/something that you can take to…?
Yes. Vit. C. It has 4 main functions:・ 1.) Prevents the oxidation of cells, which slows aging ・ 2.) Repairs damaged tissues, which a bruise is ・ 3.) Boost the Immune system, which helps to prevent bruising ・ 4.) Is a natural anti-inflamm…

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Q: A. sterile gauze pads in assorted sizes. B. a bottle of multiple vitamins. C. a knife to cut open blood blisters. D. aspirin. 2. Which of the following is not a type of open wound? A. Abrasion B. Avulsion C. Puncture D. Bruise 3. A good aerobic facility will have A. a lot of equipment. B. good ventilation. C. carpet over concrete flooring. D. dim lighting. 4. When aerobic exercise is combined with calisthenics as well as warm-up and cooldown stretches, it A. is much more competitive than other sports. B. has a high risk of injury. C. doesn’t strengthen or condition the heart. D. provides a complete workout. 5. When faced with an emergency situation, the “first” rule to remember is to A. stay calm and keep those around you calm. B. begin cardiopulmonary resuscitation at once. C. keep the rest of the class exercising. D. look up an emergency phone number. 6. Heel bruises can be prevented by A. placing heel cups inside the athletic shoe. B. walking. C. taking a hot bath. D. wearing thin socks. 7. When purchasing aerobic exercise shoes, you should look for shoes with A. a loose arch support. B. a firm cushioning in the heel and forefoot. C. a firm forefoot and room across the metatarsals. D. minimal cushioning. 8. Fitness instructors can avoid burnout by A. teaching three to four classes daily. B. always doing a full workout each time they teach. C. avoiding the temptation to lie flat on their backs for any great length of time. D. using the services of a chiropractor and/or massage therapist. 9. The displacement of a bone end from a joint is called A. a dislocation. B. a soft tissue sprain. C. bursitis. D. chondromalacia. 10. Which of the following statements describes “long-term” aerobics students? A. They aren’t prone to minor injuries. B. Long-term students need not worry about preventative safety techniques. C. They risk injury even though they may be in good shape. D. Long-term students reduce their occurrences of microtrauma over time. 11. What should an aerobics instructor do if a student loses consciousness and isn’t breathing? A. Perform the Heimlich maneuver B. Call for emergency help immediately, and if certified, begin the rescue breathing procedure immediately C. Hit the chest to start breathing D. Elevate the feet 12. The RICE method for initial 48-hour treatment of certain fitness injuries includes A. a high-carbohydrate diet, rest, and relaxation. B. a referral, high-carbohydrate diet, and rest. C. rest, ice, compression, and elevation. D. rest, injury, carbohydrates, and exercise. 13. Which of the following requires immediate professional attention? A. Muscle soreness B. Excessive bleeding C. Skin abrasions D. Shin splints 14. In order to improve your body symmetry, it’s important to A. strive for the maximum number of repetitions you can achieve without fatigue. B. try to keep the muscles contracted as tightly as possible. C. recognize and strengthen the weaker areas of the body. D. build endurance. 15. At what point should an injured student see a sports injury professional? A. When the pain doesn’t subside after three to five days of rest B. As soon as the incident occurs and pain is identified C. As soon as the initial pain first stops D. Immediately after an out-of-shape exerciser experiences discomfort 16. What is the most common injury for both aerobics instructors and students? A. Heel bruises B. Neck sprains C. Shin splints D. Burnout and fatigue 17. A fracture that has no opening in the skin is called a/an A. open fracture. B. concealed fracture. C. complex fracture. D. closed fracture. 18. Sports that involve a sharp pull to the arm can cause what kind of injury? A. Carpal tunnel syndrome B. Syncope C. Rotator cuff syndrome D. Epicondylitis 19. Which of the following is the best way to be prepared for a possible emergency? A. Have insurance B. Purchase a lot of bandages and other first aid materials C. Talk to people who have been injured before D. Have basic emergency strategies memorized or written out in case of need 20. To be fully prepared for emergency situations, you should A. rely on medical personnel for injuries, no matter how extreme. B. become certified in CPR. C. hire a sports medicine specialist to attend to any injuries that occur in your classes. D. rely on instinct and only alert medical professionals when the injured has stopped breathing.
Please help me on my quiz, who knows it?
Q: 1. An emergency first aid kit should include A. sterile gauze pads in assorted sizes. B. a bottle of multiple vitamins. C. a knife to cut open blood blisters. D. aspirin. 2. Which of the following is not a type of open wound? A. Abrasion B. Avulsion C. Puncture D. Bruise 3. A good aerobic facility will have A. a lot of equipment. B. good ventilation. C. carpet over concrete flooring. D. dim lighting. 4. When aerobic exercise is combined with calisthenics as well as warm-up and cooldown stretches, it A. is much more competitive than other sports. B. has a high risk of injury. C. doesn’t strengthen or condition the heart. D. provides a complete workout. 5. When faced with an emergency situation, the “first” rule to remember is to A. stay calm and keep those around you calm. B. begin cardiopulmonary resuscitation at once. C. keep the rest of the class exercising. D. look up an emergency phone number. 6. Heel bruises can be prevented by A. placing heel cups inside the athletic shoe. B. walking. C. taking a hot bath. D. wearing thin socks. 7. When purchasing aerobic exercise shoes, you should look for shoes with A. a loose arch support. B. a firm cushioning in the heel and forefoot. C. a firm forefoot and room across the metatarsals. D. minimal cushioning. 8. Fitness instructors can avoid burnout by A. teaching three to four classes daily. B. always doing a full workout each time they teach. C. avoiding the temptation to lie flat on their backs for any great length of time. D. using the services of a chiropractor and/or massage therapist. 9. The displacement of a bone end from a joint is called A. a dislocation. B. a soft tissue sprain. C. bursitis. D. chondromalacia. 10. Which of the following statements describes “long-term” aerobics students? A. They aren’t prone to minor injuries. B. Long-term students need not worry about preventative safety techniques. C. They risk injury even though they may be in good shape. D. Long-term students reduce their occurrences of microtrauma over time. 11. What should an aerobics instructor do if a student loses consciousness and isn’t breathing? A. Perform the Heimlich maneuver B. Call for emergency help immediately, and if certified, begin the rescue breathing procedure immediately C. Hit the chest to start breathing D. Elevate the feet 12. The RICE method for initial 48-hour treatment of certain fitness injuries includes A. a high-carbohydrate diet, rest, and relaxation. B. a referral, high-carbohydrate diet, and rest. C. rest, ice, compression, and elevation. D. rest, injury, carbohydrates, and exercise. 13. Which of the following requires immediate professional attention? A. Muscle soreness B. Excessive bleeding C. Skin abrasions D. Shin splints 14. In order to improve your body symmetry, it’s important to A. strive for the maximum number of repetitions you can achieve without fatigue. B. try to keep the muscles contracted as tightly as possible. C. recognize and strengthen the weaker areas of the body. D. build endurance. 15. At what point should an injured student see a sports injury professional? A. When the pain doesn’t subside after three to five days of rest B. As soon as the incident occurs and pain is identified C. As soon as the initial pain first stops D. Immediately after an out-of-shape exerciser experiences discomfort 16. What is the most common injury for both aerobics instructors and students? A. Heel bruises B. Neck sprains C. Shin splints D. Burnout and fatigue 17. A fracture that has no opening in the skin is called a/an A. open fracture. B. concealed fracture. C. complex fracture. D. closed fracture. 18. Sports that involve a sharp pull to the arm can cause what kind of injury? A. Carpal tunnel syndrome B. Syncope C. Rotator cuff syndrome D. Epicondylitis 19. Which of the following is the best way to be prepared for a possible emergency? A. Have insurance B. Purchase a lot of bandages and other first aid materials C. Talk to people who have been injured before D. Have basic emergency strategies memorized or written out in case of need 20. To be fully prepared for emergency situations, you should A. rely on medical personnel for injuries, no matter how extreme. B. become certified in CPR. C. hire a sports medicine specialist to attend to any injuries that occur in your classes. D. rely on instinct and only alert medical professionals when the injured has stopped breathi
A: a, d, b, d, a, a, b, d, a, c, b, c, b, c, a, d, d, c, d, b
multiple choice please help?
Q: 1. An emergency first aid kit should include A. sterile gauze pads in assorted sizes. B. a bottle of multiple vitamins. C. a knife to cut open blood blisters. D. aspirin. 2. Which of the following is not a type of open wound? A. Abrasion B. Avulsion C. Puncture D. Bruise 3. A good aerobic facility will have A. a lot of equipment. B. good ventilation. C. carpet over concrete flooring. D. dim lighting. 4. When aerobic exercise is combined with calisthenics as well as warm-up and cooldown stretches, it A. is much more competitive than other sports. B. has a high risk of injury. C. doesn’t strengthen or condition the heart. D. provides a complete workout. 5. When faced with an emergency situation, the “first” rule to remember is to A. stay calm and keep those around you calm. B. begin cardiopulmonary resuscitation at once. C. keep the rest of the class exercising. D. look up an emergency phone number. 6. Heel bruises can be prevented by A. placing heel cups inside the athletic shoe. B. walking. C. taking a hot bath. D. wearing thin socks. 7. When purchasing aerobic exercise shoes, you should look for shoes with A. a loose arch support. B. a firm cushioning in the heel and forefoot. C. a firm forefoot and room across the metatarsals. D. minimal cushioning. 8. Fitness instructors can avoid burnout by A. teaching three to four classes daily. B. always doing a full workout each time they teach. C. avoiding the temptation to lie flat on their backs for any great length of time. D. using the services of a chiropractor and/or massage therapist. 9. The displacement of a bone end from a joint is called A. a dislocation. B. a soft tissue sprain. C. bursitis. D. chondromalacia. 10. Which of the following statements describes “long-term” aerobics students? A. They aren’t prone to minor injuries. B. Long-term students need not worry about preventative safety techniques. C. They risk injury even though they may be in good shape. D. Long-term students reduce their occurrences of microtrauma over time. 11. What should an aerobics instructor do if a student loses consciousness and isn’t breathing? A. Perform the Heimlich maneuver B. Call for emergency help immediately, and if certified, begin the rescue breathing procedure immediately C. Hit the chest to start breathing D. Elevate the feet 12. The RICE method for initial 48-hour treatment of certain fitness injuries includes A. a high-carbohydrate diet, rest, and relaxation. B. a referral, high-carbohydrate diet, and rest. C. rest, ice, compression, and elevation. D. rest, injury, carbohydrates, and exercise. 13. Which of the following requires immediate professional attention? A. Muscle soreness B. Excessive bleeding C. Skin abrasions D. Shin splints 14. In order to improve your body symmetry, it’s important to A. strive for the maximum number of repetitions you can achieve without fatigue. B. try to keep the muscles contracted as tightly as possible. C. recognize and strengthen the weaker areas of the body. D. build endurance. 15. At what point should an injured student see a sports injury professional? A. When the pain doesn’t subside after three to five days of rest B. As soon as the incident occurs and pain is identified C. As soon as the initial pain first stops D. Immediately after an out-of-shape exerciser experiences discomfort 16. What is the most common injury for both aerobics instructors and students? A. Heel bruises B. Neck sprains C. Shin splints D. Burnout and fatigue 17. A fracture that has no opening in the skin is called a/an A. open fracture. B. concealed fracture. C. complex fracture. D. closed fracture. 18. Sports that involve a sharp pull to the arm can cause what kind of injury? A. Carpal tunnel syndrome B. Syncope C. Rotator cuff syndrome D. Epicondylitis 19. Which of the following is the best way to be prepared for a possible emergency? A. Have insurance B. Purchase a lot of bandages and other first aid materials C. Talk to people who have been injured before D. Have basic emergency strategies memorized or written out in case of need 20. To be fully prepared for emergency situations, you should A. rely on medical personnel for injuries, no matter how extreme. B. become certified in CPR. C. hire a sports medicine specialist to attend to any injuries that occur in your classes. D. rely on instinct and only alert medical professionals when the injured has stopped breathi
A: 1: a2: d3: b4: d5: d6: a7: b8: a9: a10.c11. b12. c13. b14. c15 a16 d17 d18 c19 d20 d
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