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Can you give me more information of Ectopic pregnancy

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A:Symptoms of ectopic pregnancy: Abnormal vaginal bleeding, Amenorrhea, Breast tenderness, Low back pain, Mild cramping, Nausea-MORE [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/can-you-give-me-more-information-of-ectopic-pregnancy ]
More Answers to “Can you give me more information of Ectopic pregnancy
Can you have a tubal pregnancy without having spotting or bleedin…?
It is possible to have one without spotting or bleeding but not if it ruptures, either way this is a true medical emergency.
What is an ectopic pregnancy?
An ectopic pregnancy is when a pregnancy is stuck in the tube. An ectopic pregnancy is very dangerous and can bust the fallopian tube and possible cause death if it’s not caught in time.
How Common Is Ectopic Pregnancy?
An ectopic pregnancy is estimated to occur in up to 1 out of every 50 pregnancies.

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Could this be ectopic pregnancy? im really worried?
Q: for about 3 hours i experienced:Severe abdominal painDizzinessTirednessCold Skin& WeaknessThey are all signs of ectopic pregnancy.. Ive also missed a period but the tests are showing up negative.I was in so much pain my mum rang the hospital, but as soon as she did.. the pain just completely went… Now im all confused because i dont know what it was?And also i took morning after pill on 8th december and there is an increased risk of Ectopic pregnancy…If it was ectopic pregnancy, would it completely go? like it has now.And a couple of months i had Appendicitis and the abdominal pain feels EXACTLY like the abdominal pain i had with that.Any information you can give me would be great! as i am so worried right now!Also one more question.. If somebody has an ectopic pregnancy, do they ALWAYS remove the fallopian tube?ThanksYes i had my Appendix outAnd i spoke to a nurse on the phone and told her all my symptoms and she said if they come back ring in, but it could just be gas…Im not convinced though…
A: I would have it checked out. I had an ectopic pregnancy three years ago. My pain did not go away at all. I ended up having emergency surgery and they had to take my fallopian tube because it had ruptured but if it’s caught earlier enough, you can keep your fallopian tube. IF you do end up loosing your fallopian tube, don’t worry, you can still have babies with no problem. I have a 2 yo and a 7 month old :o) good luck and hope you get some relief soon!
questions about IUD and the possibility of pregnancy?
Q: i have a paraguard IUD since 3 months ago. i had my first baby 4 months ago. i’m worried because i heard IUD’s give you higher risk of ectopic pregnancy. does that mean that i can’t get ‘normal’ pregnant? i was supposed to get my period like 5 or 6 days ago and i’ve just gotten a little spotting here and there but not my period like i normaly do. i’m really starting to freak out. i really dont want to be pregnant at this point. i just had a baby not too long ago…but i rather have a normal pregnancy than and ectopic one. are the syptoms the same with and ectopic pregnancy than a regular pregnancy or should i be looking for something different? what are the chances of me getting pregnant at all? with an ectopic pregnancy will it show positive on a pregnancy test? i need information on all this. anything you can contribute would be great. thanks. I’m 21.one more question. is the IUD the one thats making my period irregular or should i just take a pregnancy test?its a copper based IUD not a hormone based one.
A: Getting an IUD can make your periods irregular, it can make you spot everyday, spot only a few days, spot for a few months, it can make your periods lighter or it can make your period go away all together, everyone is different. The symptoms of an etopic pregnancy are the same as a regular one except you will notice pain in your abdomen, like a cramping according to things I’ve read. Your Dr. should have given you a pamphlet and gone over all of this stuff with you when he/she put your IUD in place. I got the Mirena IUD in October and it is hormone based, so it’s a little different from yours, but my pamphlet says it is 99.9% effective. If you are concerned you should call your Dr.’s office and speak with either your Dr. or a nurse on staff. Good luck, and don’t worry yourself to death!! 🙂 Here’s some info on ectopic pregnancies:There are three classic signs of an ectopic pregnancy: one-sided lower abdominal pain, vaginal bleeding and a positive pregnancy test. The pain is caused by stretching of the fallopian tube; that’s why the pain is usually on one side only. Most ectopic pregnancies do not grow normally (like pregnancies that are destined to miscarry) and that leads to the vaginal bleeding. Not everyone has the classic signs. Any time you have one-sided lower abdominal pain in the first trimester, it raises the possibility of ectopic pregnancy.
Hi,I am 11 weeks pregnant I have just been diagnosed with placental abruption. Can anyone give me more advise?
Q: My partner and I have had a worrying few weeks due to on and off bleeding. The last bleed was extremely heavy but stopped being red within 24 hours. My scans showed live pregnancy with normal heart beat and size for estimated due date. I’m confused because everything on Internet I’ve read about this condition says it effects people after 20 weeks? Can it effect you in 1st trimester? Will this mean a miscarriage is inevitable?Has anyone else been through this and had a successful delivery?I don’t smoke, do drugs, I’ve not suffered any trauma. As far as I know my heart rate is normal.I’m 35 years old. This is an IVF pregnancy because of two previous ectopic pregnancies that had to be terminated.I’ve been told to go about my business as normal. However, all information I’ve read suggests bed rest, is that because they are 20+ weeks? Any ideas if I should get a second opinion about taking time off work etc?If the baby is getting less oxygen and nutrients should I take extra iron supplements etc? I already take “blackmores” pregnancy vitaminIs there a stage I can reach, when the risks associated with this condition will lessen eg. 2nd trimester (I thought most miscarriages happened in the first 12 weeks – I imagine its too optimistic to get to week thirteen and feel safe)?Any advise or information will be gratefully accepted. My thoughts are with all mums to be that have complications and worries. Remember a problem shared is a problem halved!
A: Hey hunI’m very sorry to hear you are going through such a worrying time… I am sure if the doctors have said it will be ok that you should be fine! If, however, you feel you need more information you should call your local hospital or midwife centre and ask them for a second opinion!!I have my fingers crossed for you and wish you all the luck in the world!! xx
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