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Can you lose 15 pounds in 3 months

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Sure you can if you make sure that you burn more calories through exercise than you take in through food you can easily lose 15 pounds in 12 weeks. ChaCha on. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/can-you-lose-15-pounds-in-3-months ]
More Answers to “Can you lose 15 pounds in 3 months
Can you lose 15 pounds in 3 months
Sure you can if you make sure that you burn more calories through exercise than you take in through food you can easily lose 15 pounds in 12 weeks. ChaCha on.
How to lose 15 pounds in 3 months?
I have already lost 11 lbs in one week! For breakfast I eat cheerios with skim milk and then for lunch I eat a grilled cheese sandwich made with whole grain wheat bread and weight watchers 1 point cheese and then I spray butter flavored coo…
Is there a healthy way that I can lose 15 pounds in three months??
Well the healthiest way to lose weight is to average about 1-2 pounds AT MOST per week. This means in 3 months you could lose anywhere from 12-24 pounds in a healthy way. Keep in mind a pound is 3500 calories. So you need to combine healthy…

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Can i lose 15 pounds in a month and a half with this diet and workout plan?
Q: Can i lose 15 pounds in a month and a half with this diet and workout plan?I currently weigh 195 lbs. I am 5’10”. Yea I know i am fat. It’s been a while since i last hit the gym.However, I’ve been working really hard this week and the last.This is my workout plan for the week.Monday: Chest and back workout (50 minutes), Running (25 minutes), ab workout (30 minutes)Tuesday: Plyometrics ( 1 hour), Cycle (20 minutes), ab workout (30 minutes)Weds: Shoulder and arms (50 minutes), Running (25 minutes), ab workout (30 minutes)Thurs: Yoga (1 hour), Cycle (20 minutes), ab workout (30 minutes)Friday: Legs and Back (50 minutes), ab workout (30 minutes)Saturday: Kenpo (50 minutes), Running (25 minutes)Sunday: RestAs for my diet plan, i stopped eating out (well almost). No more fast food and junks.Breakfast: Cereal with fat free milkLunch: 3 chicken drumsticks, carrots with fat free honey dijon as condimentSnack: AppleDinner: 3 chicken drumsticks or 1 glass of protein shakeAs for my supplements, I take 4 capsules of Tonalin CLA, 1 tablet of one a day Men’s vitamin, and 4 capsules of fish oilCan I lose 15 pounds if i continue and stick with these plans for the next a month and a half?Also do you guys have any suggestions on improving my nutrition, supplement, and workout plan?
A: I think your workout plan is great but maybe your nutrition needs a little tweaking, with the amount of exercise you have planned you’re not planning to eat enough. Protein shake may be better as a snack rather then a meal, I use the “body fortress” protein shakes/powder. Snickers, actually makes a really good protein bar as a snack.There is a website that I use http://www.thedailyplate.com/, (it was free the last time I checked, its part of livestrong.com) you can make a diary of everything you eat and it tracks the calories, sugar content, protein, etc for you. It will also suggest areas where you need to cut back (sugar content, carbs, etc), when you put some foods in it will give you suggestions of other foods that would be better calorie wise, sugar and so on. Also it has a section on it where you tell it how much you’d like to lose (by week or overall) and it makes up a plan of how many calories a day you should eat.Another site is www.hungry-girl.com (thought I think based on your height/weight and workout plan you’re male, plus the male vitamins), they have a lot of recipes for meals under 200 calories and different ways you can make things without sugar & other fatty ingredients, and have basically the same taste.If you drink soda, cutting down (or better yet eliminating) on it will help greatly with weight loss. Switching to diet wont work, its the carbonated water that’s in soda that is evil and diet soda still has carbonated water.Eating smaller portions more often helps (eating 5-6 small meals a day, rather then 3 large ones like breakfast, lunch dinner).. Basically a sensible breakfast (oatmeal or cereal with a banana or yogurt), a morning snack (yogurt, sugar/fat-free puddings, fruit like apple, orange, lite muffins) a sensible lunch, an afternoon snack, dinner, evening snack style.Everything I just told you, I used myself and lost 80lbs in 6 months.
How to lose 15-20 pounds and tone up legs in 2-3 months?
Q: I’m not going to be around over the summer so I want to know how to tone up my legs and lose 15-20 pounds in 2 1/2 months?Also, I want to tone up my belly a bit and I know that you can’t aim for one area but any ways to lose 15-20 pounds and tone up and tighten my legs? As well as get rid of cellulite?
A: 1. Drink plenty of water. Our body needs a lot of water so give in to water. Water is not just way to flush out toxin but if you have more water in your body you will generally feel healthier and fitter. This it self will discourage any tendency to gorge. The best thing about water is that is has no calories at all.2. Start your day with a glass of water. As soon as you wake up, gulp down a glass of cool water. It’s a wonderful way to start you day and you only need a lesser quantity of your breakfast drink after that. A glass of water lets out all your digestive juices and sort of lubricates the insides of your body. You may have your morning cup of tea but have it after a glass of water. It is good for you.3. Drink a glass of water before you start the meal. Water naturally needs some space so that you feel fuller without actually having to stuff yourself.4. Have another glass of water while you are having the meal. Again this is another way of making yourself full so that you can actually rise from the table eating less but feeling full just the same. Instead of drinking it one gulp, take sips after each morsel. It will help the food to settle faster so that you get that feeling that you are full faster. SIDENOTE: Water is such a remarkable thing, but seldom do we give it the credit that it deserves. Did you know that over 66% of your body weight is nothing but water’ It’s amazing! Water also plays a vital role in weight control, which is why I donated so much space to it, above.5. Stay away from sweetened bottle drinks, especially sodas. Hey all those colas and fizzy drinks are sweetened with sugar and sugar means calories. The more you can cut out on these sweetened bottle drinks, the better for you. So if you must drink sodas, then stick to diet sodas.6. Include in your diet things that contain more water like tomatoes and watermelons. These things contain 90 to 95 % water so that there is nothing that you have to lose by feasting on them. They fill you up without adding to the pounds.7. Eat fresh fruit instead of drinking fruit juice. Juice is often sweetened but fresh fruits have natural sugars. When you eat fruit, you are taking in a lot of fiber, which is needed by the body, and fruits of course are an excellent source of vitamins.8. If you do have a craving for fruit juice then go for fresh fruit juice instead of these that contain artificial flavors and colors. Or even better, try making your own fruit juice taking care not to sweeten it with too many calories.9. Choose fresh fruit to processed fruits. Processed and canned fruits do not have as much fiber as fresh fruit and processed and canned fruits are nearly always sweetened.10. Increase your fiber intake. Like I mentioned, the body needs a lot of fiber. So try to include in your diet as many fruits and vegetables as you can.11. Go crazy on vegetables. Vegetables are your best bet when it comes to losing pounds. Nature has a terrific spread when it comes to choosing vegetables. And the leafy green vegetables are your best bet. Try to include a salad in you diet always
tell me if what im gonna do will help me lose 15 pounds in 3 months?
Q: okay so. im 15. 5’5 and a bit. and i weigh like 132 or 133 pounds. or 60 kilosi knwo you think its perfectly normal and healthy. which it is i agree, but im soo flubby. so i wanna lose like 15 pounds. or 7 kilos. whatever. in 3 months i think. less if possible. but anywaybreakfast: rolled oats OR oatflakes (not as healthy) OR 2 peices of wholemeal toast with vegemite and butter on itRecess: fruitLunch: fruitAfternoon snack: vita wheat.Dinner: will be healthyTHEN: one hour on the treadmill a day. bit of runnign and a bit of walking. as much as i can take. ill probably have to build upto the hour. and when i can. like 5 or ten minutes of cardio weight training.how is that?dont try to sell me stuff.good answers appreciated. =)oh and of coarse ill drink alot of water.
A: that’s good:Dand your time limit is perfect! 15 pounds in 3 months is totally possible. just stick to it and don’t get discouraged. i hope you achieve your goal 😀
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