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Can you lose weight by eating only junk food

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “Can you lose weight by eating only junk food”,you can compare them.

Not likely. Best way to lose weight is to eat fewer calories & increase your physical activity. Experts suggest loosing about a pound a week. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/can-you-lose-weight-by-eating-only-junk-food ]
More Answers to “Can you lose weight by eating only junk food
Can you lose weight by eating only junk food
Not likely. Best way to lose weight is to eat fewer calories & increase your physical activity. Experts suggest loosing about a pound a week.
Can you really only eat junk food and still lose weight??
Although we would never promote this, as it can harm your general health and leave you nutrient deficient, you actually can eat only unhealthy foods and still lose weight. Weight loss occurs when you create a calorie deficit, so if you eat …
Can you still lose weight if you only exersize but continue to ea…?
You might maintain your weight, but you wont lose it. You can only lose weight if you do Exercise AAAANNNNDDD diet. Not one or other. Doing one or the other just maintains your weight. If your happy with your weight, then do what you mentio…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Can you lose weight by eating healthy alone?
Q: Without exercise, or very little?And cut junk food, sodas, sweets from your diet, eating only healthy foods and drinking mostly water? A person that wants to lose 10-15lbs and is pretty much healthy.Thanks.
A: Yes it is possible to lose weight by healthy eating alone. Exercise is beneficial regardless of your diet. However, 80% of your physique is a result of what you eat. 20% exercise.Such foods as Junk Foods, sugary fizzy drinks, ready made processed meals, and takeaway meals are all high in refined sugar and full of saturated fat. The two main ingredients which are responsible for that extra weight gain.Remember JUNK FOOD is just what it says – JUNK. With one added ingredient in – FAT.By trying to move as much as you can will really help to accelerate your weight loss. So any kind of exercise will really help.Good Luck.
is it possible to lose weight by august 4th?
Q: i want to lose weight on my stomach and thighs,and i know you can’t spot reduce,but if i run for about 30-40 minutes everyday,will it reduce the fat all over?along with that,i’m gonna try to eat healthier,by not eating junk food.i plan to eat 4-5 small meals only drinking water.is that reasonable?i want to lose at least 1 or 2 lbs.5 at the most.but maybe 1 or 2 lbs.
A: How much weight by 8/4? 2lbs a week is a healthy losing pattern. Water is good, drink a lot of it, but be sure to eat enough to stay healthy and to lose properly. Exercise is excellent for toning and overall health and burning calories.good luck!
I am 14, and I have given up junk food for 6 weeks! How do I get my family to join the ride lol?
Q: I am a 14 year old girl. I am 5ft, and I am 10 stone, so 140 pounds! I am determined to lose weight. I do cardio for an hour every day. Its been going very well so far. Yesterday, my brother orderd in pizza, and I didnt go near it! I never want to eat junk like that ever again! Its because of all that junk i am unhealthy! My family are overweight too, and i want them to join me. I dotn want them being ill… I am doing this for myself…no one else. I havent craved junk food at all 🙂 and I have discovered i love vegetables! lol. Do you think i will lose any weight by eating NO junk food AT ALL for 6 weeks, only eating small portions, and only eating when i am really hungry, not just for the sake of it. And how can i get my family involved?? They just dont care! I have spoken to them, telling them that if i can do it, so can they but they dont listen! This is more of a lifestyle change for me, not a diet!
A: Offer to make dinner for them one night. Make something healthy and organic that’s way more delicious than junk food could ever be to try to persuade them. If that doesn’t work, offer up an activity outside with them that requires energy. If they have to stop because they have a lower energy level, really rub it in that your energy level is high! Not in a mean way, just so they really get the point. Invite them along to your next doctor’s appointment, so when the doctor tells you how much healthier you are, they’ll really listen. Tell them that it would really make you happy if they would do a week or so on your plan and that you feel very unimportant due to their lack of interest.Yes, you will lose weight. BUt make sure you aren’t eating small portions three times a day, amke sure you’re eating them six times a day, about three hours apart. Think of your metabolism as a fire – if you throw a big log onto it, it slows down before it can burn the log and hten by the time it’s back up to its normal speed, another log gets thrown on. But if you throw a bunch of smaller logs on, the fire grows.
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