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Do women get any abdominal pains in early pregnancy

Health related question in topics Abdominal Pain .We found some answers as below for this question “Do women get any abdominal pains in early pregnancy”,you can compare them.

A:Occasional abdominal discomfort is a common pregnancy complaint, and while it may be harmless, it can also be a sign of a MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/do-women-get-any-abdominal-pains-in-early-pregnancy ]
More Answers to “Do women get any abdominal pains in early pregnancy
Do women get any abdominal pains in early pregnancy
Occasional abdominal discomfort is a common pregnancy complaint, and while it may be harmless, it can also be a sign of a MORE?
Is it common for pregnant women to experience pain in the lower a…?
Yes its somewhat normal to feel pain in the abdomen. However….if the pain becomes excruciating, there is any bleeding, cramping or discharge consult you Ob/Gyn. You have to remember that things they are a changing down there. All of inter…

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Not sure, but I think I may be pregnant. Anyone ever experienced EARLY signs like these?
Q: My fiance and I had intercourse Thursday (9/3, 6 days before my expected period) night. We did not use protection and he did “go” inside me. The next day in the afternoon, I started to have gassy-like cramps, a little flatulence/constipation, and my nipples began to get somewhat tender. I have noticed some lower back pain and abdominal pain as well. This has been going on every day nonstop. My expected period is tomorrow (Wed 9/9). I know it can be hard to tell if these are early signs of pregnancy, especially since I’m so close to my period. Every woman’s different and I was wondering it there are any other women (pregnant or mother) who did in fact experience these symptoms. I do hope that I am pregnant and I’m just worried I’m not is all. Thanks 🙂
A: To be honest I think these may be signs of your period showing up (these are the same signs as early pregnancy as well, just much more noticable when you are looking for them, especially if you think you may be pregnant). Only 25% of women get pregnant when they have unprotected intercourse while ovulating, and since you had unprotected intercourse after ovulating (that’s my guess because it was so soon before your period) I’d say your chances of being pregnant are pretty slim. Also, you wouldn’t be feeling pregnancy symptoms yet, it takes 3 days for your egg to release after ovulation, and then after that it takes 6-12 days for implantation, and you won’t have any pregnancy symptoms until after implantation. You can always try a pregnancy (early result, 5 days sooner) to see if it comes out pregnant, if you miss your period and it doesn’t come within a week after it’s due I’d go to your doctor with any concerns (maybe get a HCG blood test to see if you are pregnant) and go from there. Good luck!!
Only for women to answer!?
Q: okay so I have a couple of questions. My aunt is 26 years old and she is married to a 46 year old man so yeah its a pretty big age gab but also she was married once before and in that marriage she desperately wanted a baby but she could not have one after a couple of years went by she still could not have one they were pretty bigger around that time him then she ended up divorcing him and loosing weight. She met the new guy they weren’t any thing serous but they were having sex after a couple of months she got pregnant in 2004 so now she absulutly can not get pregnant she has ovarian sists all over her uturis and she has pretty bad endometriosis but she went to the doctor and told her that she wanted a baby really bad so they told her that they can do surgry and cut all the sists off and stuff so she did a few months ago after that she told her that she should get pregnant a few months went by she still could not have a baby she wnt back to the doctor and the doctor gave her fertility pills so she has been on them for awhile. Okay so here are my questions after a few months being on the pills we think that she may pregnant but I think that its like early pregnancy symptoms like breast swelling, Tenderness and pain, Nausea, Fatigue and tierdness, Abdominal bloating BAD!, Frequent Urination, Chanches in nipple color, and mood swings and stress, Also BIG TIME CRAVINGS FOR WIERD STUFF. so what could this be she took a pregnancy test friday morning and it came up negitive but still its all the symptoms could it be to early to detect or we also think that she could have ovarian cancer but we dont know she is going to go to the doctors but yeah can you please READ!!!!! and see what you think PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!!! READ AND ANSWER.CAN YOU PLEASE ANSWER!!
A: Id ask a girl that question
imaginary pregnancy symptoms!?!?
Q: husband and i ttc #1 for 3mntsi am considering testing but i do not know the exact date of my expected period. it has been irregular lately between 28-36 days, so i am guessing according to ovulation(14dpo)lh surge 27th-29th. so ovulation between 29-30?bd on 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 2period due between 12th-14th.light cramping began on 7-8, felt like period so i used a panty liner and noticed very light pink discharge only once, then stopped. no appetite, very nausseated no vomiting, can’t get comfortable temp…either hot or cold. feels like i could start my period any moment..been this way for week..i see so many women wishing for miracle and i truly believe our minds trick us into symptoms… but i know that the symptoms are real, i just dont know if they are my period or early pregnancy. i sneezed a bit ago and just about fell off the couch in pain, sharp cramp in lower abdominal area. it was very real, just not sure whyplease share your stories and outcomes.no breast soreness either.oh, and sorry this was such a long question! if i ran out and bought a test everytime i tricked myself into thinking i was pregnant, i might as well buy stock in first response!
A: Good chance you could be pregnant.If you dont start your preiod byy tomorrow the 14th go buy a test. I had those same symptoms but I also had sore breast and heart burn.Its hard to say right now.The light pink blood could have been implantation bleeding? I had that it lasted abou 13 hours?? It was real lite!! Good luck Im sorry I couldnt be more help.
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