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Does being bulimic make you skinny

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Bulemia does not always make you thin. It occurs when people are extremely concerned with their weight, yet can’t fight the compulsion to binge. So they drastically overeat, and then they purge, fast, or exercise to get rid of the calories. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/does-being-bulimic-make-you-skinny ]
More Answers to “Does being bulimic make you skinny
Does being bulimic make you skinny
Bulemia does not always make you thin. It occurs when people are extremely concerned with their weight, yet can’t fight the compulsion to binge. So they drastically overeat, and then they purge, fast, or exercise to get rid of the calories….

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Does being Bulimic actually make you lose weight?!?
Q: So I’ve been bulimic for the past two weeks now…And I don’t want my teeth to rot or anything because i’ve always had nice teeth,But I’ve dropped about 8 lbs in two weeks..i’m 5’6″ and used to weigh 125 and now i weigh about 116-117. because i wanna model!But I don’t want to have anymore health problems, but i really wanna be a bit skinnier for, 9not runway modeling because im too short) but for other sorts of modeling!I’ve heard rumors that being bulimic causes you to gain weight.. but im not sure if thats the case with me.. please help?!And im not an attention-seeking little child, I need help. seriously.thanks a bunch!
A: at first, you’ll lose a lot of weight, but then your body goes into starvation mode because it’s not retaining the nutrients it needs to do it’s daily function. you will start to maintain your weight once your body decides that it is going to hold on to every little piece of nutrition it can because it doesn’t know when it’s going to get more…hope this helps!Katie, RN
Why is it okay for fat girls to make fun of skinny girls?
Q: I keep reading all the rude remarks, “looks like a 12 year old boy” “real women have curves.” Real women come in all shapes and sizes, including very thin. Most girls who are skinny are naturally thin, not anorexic or bulimic. I’m 5’2, a size 0 or 2 depending on the brand, and 110 pounds. I eat quite a lot but work out at the gym and swim. People would never dream of making a rude remark to an overweight person to their face,but they won’t hesitate to tell a skinny person “oh my gosh, you’re so skinny, eat something!” It’s not politically correct to make fun of fat people, but skinny is okay? What’s with all the hate? Does anyone else feel this way?
A: Who says it is okay??And believe me, I see and hear many many more rude comments about fat women than I do skinny women. Why don’t you take a whiff of reality.
Anyone else feeling bad about being skinny?
Q: I keep reading all the rude remarks, “looks like a 12 year old boy” “real women have curves.” Real women come in all shapes and sizes, including very thin. Most girls who are skinny are naturally thin, not anorexic or bulimic. Many find it hard to gain weight. People who would never dream of making a rude remark to an overweight person won’t hesitate to tell a skinny person “oh my gosh, you’re so skinny, eat something!” It’s not politically correct to make fun of fat people, but skinny is okay? What’s with all the hate? Does anyone else feel this way?
A: I happen to be a “curvy” girl. However I do think that if you are happy with the way you look and take responisibility for your body, then that’s a beautiful thing right their confidence in yourself no matter what your body type is is beautiful. I also don’t think it’s fair to make fun of really skinny people simply because my roomate used to be anorexic and it really is a horrible thing. She’s still skinny, very skinny, but not anorexic skinny. There is a difference. There is a healthy skinny which people maintain with high metabolisms, diet, and excersise, and then there is unhealthy skinny when you become extremely skinny and physically and mentally sick that results from not eating or binging and purging. To someone who has seen both, they are very different. Actually, I do find myself being critical of skinny girls, often times because I have a jealousy issue with it as do many people who aren’t skinny. Sure, I could do something about it, but I don’t. So sometimes people try to build themselves up by knocking others down and turning their good qualities into flaws.But, some people really do find meat on a woman more attractive. But your right, not only women, but beauty in general comes in all shapes, sizes, and colors. I say just be happy with who you are and be proud of how you’ve obtained that and don’t worry about what others think.
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