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Does gas cause severe abdominal and chest pain

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A:Gas can be a factor for both, but so could other illnesses. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/does-gas-cause-severe-abdominal-and-chest-pain ]
More Answers to “Does gas cause severe abdominal and chest pain
Does gas cause severe abdominal and chest pain
Gas can be a factor for both, but so could other illnesses.

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What would cause such strange symptoms?
Q: Here’s what I got. This is a long-term thing that comes and goes. On average, various combinations of symptoms listed below occur at a moderate level once a week. Sometimes more or less severe, sometimes more frequently. Doctors have found no reason thus far:-chills/feeling flush/inability to control body temperature (no fever, or very low-grade)-abdominal cramps/discomfort/pain-nausea (often severe, but very very very rarely vomitting. only twice has it got to that point, in fact)-diarreah (and the inability to spell, apparently…)-fatigue/drowsiness/feeling “shaky”-anxiety/feeling “tense”-dry mouth-bad gas (sigh. how embarrassing…)-inability to concentrate-heart racing/beating irregularly/chest painYes, there is a history of severe digestive problems in my history. No, doctors say it’s not crohn’s (I’ve had LOTS of tests done).Yes, I did get bit by a small tick this summer and the bite did get infected and I never got that checked out with a doctor.Yes, I have more than one heart condition, but the chest pain thing is new. What I do have, I got the all-clear on from my cardiologist when I turned 17. He says I’ve out-grown most of it.I can still breathe fine, but the pain sometimes takes my breath away. This is the rarest of the listed symptoms. Could it just be heartburn?
A: I think you’ll have to find a doctor willing to work with you on ruling one thing out at a time, kind of a process of elimination. This might sound totally crazy, but believe it or not, a potassium deficiency can cause many, if not all, of the symptoms you have listed. If that’s not it, ask for a Holter monitor to check your heart rate for 24 hours — sounds like you have a tachycardia and/or arrhythmia which can be regulated with low dose beta-blockers. Usually these conditions have underlying causes though, so don’t stop looking for what’s really wrong just because you feel better with the medication. For the gas and bloating and all that (if it’s not potassium-related), try playing with your diet — for two days cut out all dairy products (lactose), if that doesn’t solve anything, cut out white flour for 2 days, if that doesn’t work, cut out… Keep at it until you notice something — usually the foods that can trigger intolerances end in -ose like lactose, fructose, glucose…Really the most important thing is to have a good general doctor who is really willing to listen to you, to take your complaints seriously, and to work with you to get to the bottom of your mystery. The human body really is quite complicated and rarely does the symptom point directly to the problem. Good luck & take care of yourself.
I don’t know what kind of doctor I need to see, please help!?
Q: Something is wrong, and it’s not going away >.< I have had basic tests done, but nothing more… I don’t think they are taking me seriously (both doctors that I’ve been to, and one is an internist). I’m 18, and after taking antibiotics in september/october (2 were full-course, one was only for a couple of days because it messed up my gut >.<) I have been a mess, this all started after taking that medicine but I have no idea if its related:1. Chest tightness I’ve had since the middle of October has NOT gone away.2. Abdominal pain that goes back and forth between my left side and right side, very rarely is it both sides at the same time. The left side is extremely tender to the touch when it’s hurting.3. Entire rib cage feels inflamed, it hurts pretty bad when pressed on.4. Worst pain is at both sides of my rib cage under my breasts, as well as in the middle of my chest right at the top of my breasts.5. A few weeks ago I started to have vaginal pain/itching/discomfort and slightly odorful/yellow discharge. I got a cream to take care of that and it went away, but now 2 weeks later it’s back again (though not as severe)6. Strange white patches on my left breast, which is surrounded by what looks like a giant zit breakout. I’ve had that for a few years but it’s getting worse and worse (the zit-like bumps, not the white patches).7. Pain has radiated to my upper and lower back, and is extremely uncomfortable sometimes at night.8. Occasional pains in arms, hands, elbows, and especially the knees and ankles. It flares up then goes away.9. More fatigued. I also have sinus stuff going on and when that flares up I feel like I hardly have any energy at all, and now my headaches/pressure feel worse.10. Trouble urinating. It was every so often now it’s all the time. It’s not painful, it’s just like I can’t relax enough to go.11. Ovarian pain or colon pain? My left one tends to hurt right before my period, but now it’s hurting more after too, and it’s much worse then usual. Though this feels worse when I have gas/need to have a BM, which makes me wonder if its colon pain rather then the ovary. I’ve had a lot of that since taking that medicine, and i’ve only had a handful of “normal” BMs since October, if that many. For awhile I also had gray/super pale BMs, but I quit taking the Nexium I was taking and that went away and never came back.I have anxiety, but I have not had a flare up in awhile, plus when I have anxiety it’s more of my neck that tenses up, and it hasn’t been tense/painful in awhile now. They keep saying its all anxiety but I’ve been relaxed and having fun and had times where I don’t think about all of this, but it’s not going away. When I have a real panic attack, I don’t have pain, just more the tightness of chest, but my chest feels tight all the time no matter how I feel or what I am doing. I’m really sick of that, and if it was really anxiety you think it would wax and wane depending on how I’m feeling but it doesn’t.I want to find a doctor who’s going to take me seriously, and look into all possible causes, even though I’m just 18. Someone else suggest fibro myalgia (which I would like to be tested for) but the doctors say I’m not old enough to have it, but anyone can have it, at any age. They tested me for stuff like RA and juvenile diabetes but that all came back negative.I’m angry and miserable because I feel like this, and I’m tired of taking medicine, especially because none of it works. I want someone to really look into what might be causing all of this and see if they can find out what’s going on. I get plenty of sleep, I eat pretty well, drink a lot of water, and get exercise, I’m also not overweight. I gained some weight when I started feeling bad but I feel terrible when I try to exercise like I was when I kept my weight off. I was doing an hour or 2 a day and now 30 minutes can leave me feeling crappy depending on what I’m doing….If there is a certain kind of doctor I should be looking for I would like to know…. I feel like I’m old and sick and tired, I can’t stand feeling like this anymore!!!I also live in the Dallas (not ft worth) area, if anyone knows someone to recommend around there.
A: You might try a rheumatologist. You can find one through the link below.
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