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How can i stop abdominal pains during pregnancy

Health related question in topics Abdominal Pain .We found some answers as below for this question “How can i stop abdominal pains during pregnancy”,you can compare them.

A:Occasional abdominal discomfort is a common pregnancy complaint, & it may be harmless, but it can be a sign of a serious problem. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/how-can-i-stop-abdominal-pains-during-pregnancy ]
More Answers to “How can i stop abdominal pains during pregnancy
How can i stop abdominal pains during pregnancy
Occasional abdominal discomfort is a common pregnancy complaint, & it may be harmless, but it can be a sign of a serious problem.

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Need answers! Teen with potential to being pregnant?? Help!?
Q: I am a 17 year old girl who has been taking birth control (tri-cyclen lo) for almost 9 months now. Especially this month, I am very consistant with taking the pill at the same time on a daily basis. I have two more pills left before I am exspected to start my period. The night before last, I experienced majorly severe pains in my abdominal area and within an inch or two below. This pain occured during sex, immidiently resulting in us stopping, thats how strong the pain was. My boyfriend and I have been having intercourse for the 8 out of 9 months without any problems. Recently, we did not use a condom. Therefore creating the scare that these pains may be caused by pregnancy. After being on the pill for so long, is there a very high chance of this fact being true?Also, more then 24 hours later and I am still experiencing some mild abdominal pain- not below anymore, just in that general area.This has been a HUGE scare for someone of my age, therefore please share as much possible information as you can.
A: Hon, if you have been using the bc properly as you say you have there really isn’t anything to worry about. You have been on it long enough where even when you don’t use other protection you have a 85%+ chance of staying protected. The pain you are having could be related to taking the pill or something else entirely but the only way to find out for sure is by going to your gynecologist ASAP to get things sorted out. I hope you find easy answers and quick relief…Good luck!
Q: Ok ppl now here’s the issue. I started bcp at the end of June. A week and a 1/2 later on the 7th of July I had unprotected sex and I stopped taking my bcp’s the next day because of bad side effects. A couple days later my breasts became tender signaling my period. Four days later on the 13th of July I started my period, but it was unusual. I cramped worse then usual during the entire cycle no matter how many pills I took and it was a lighter flow then normal. After my period ended on the 18th of July my breasts were still extremely tender, which is not normal for me. They are still sore til present day which is Aug. 12th. I have been experiencing slight nausea, slight back pain and lower abdominal pain once in a while. Also it seems to me as if my belly is blowing up even after I take a couple small bites of food. My period this month is due tomorrow on the 13th of Aug. and I haven’t had any symptoms that it’s coming and that’s odd for me.I know no one can actually tell me if I’m pregnant for sure but I just need to know if you think I’m thinking too hard about it and overreacting or if it is really a possibility I can be pregnant from your experiences. Please Help I need as many answers as possible. Thanks in advance.
A: Frankly, a lot of these symptoms seem more like your hormones going crazy – not necessarily from pregnancy, but rather from taking your pills for awhile, stopping, then starting again. Each time you do that, you’re adding hormones, taking them away, adding them again, and basically confusing your body. Your stomach getting larger sounds more like bloating than pregnancy – pregnant women usually don’t show until around the fifth month in their first pregnancy. The best way to find out is just to wait and see, and take a pregnancy test if your period never shows.Also, it’s always best to have some condoms at the ready if you’re not protected by the pill or if you’re not in a monogamous relationship (the pill won’t protect against STDs).
Q: Ok ppl now here’s the issue. I started bcp at the end of June. A week and a 1/2 later on the 7th of July I had unprotected sex and I stopped taking my bcp’s the next day and haven’t gotten back on them since because of bad side effects. A couple days later my breasts became tender signaling my period. Four days later on the 13th of July I started my period, but it was unusual. I cramped worse then usual during the entire cycle no matter how many pills I took and it was a lighter flow then normal. After my period ended on the 18th of July my breasts were still extremely tender, which is not normal for me. They are still sore til present day which is Aug. 12th. I have been experiencing slight nausea, slight back pain and lower abdominal pain once in a while. Also it seems to me as if my belly is blowing up even after I take a couple small bites of food. My period this month is due tomorrow on the 13th of Aug. and I haven’t had any symptoms that it’s coming and that’s odd for me.I know no one can actually tell me if I’m pregnant for sure but I just need to know if you think I’m thinking too hard about it and overreacting or if it is really a possibility I can be pregnant from your experiences. Please Help I need as many answers as possible. Thanks in advance.
A: Taking the pill in such a way would probably muck up your system, so while I guess it’s possible you could be pregnant, it might just be your body responding in a confused way to the hormones. I would wait a week or so and if your period hasn’t come then take a pregnancy test.
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