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How can you lose twenty pounds in one month

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The best way to lose weight is to eat fewer calories and increase your physical activity. Losing 20 lbs in one month can be excessive, so you’ll want to talk to your doctor before attempting to lose that much. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/how-can-you-lose-twenty-pounds-in-one-month ]
More Answers to “How can you lose twenty pounds in one month
Twenty pounds is too much weight to lose in one month. It would be unhealthy to lose that much weight so fast. The faster you take it off, the more likely it is that you’ll put it all back on, and then some. Your skin would be all flabby an…
The best diet I can recommend is the best kind. The vegetarian. Cut out all meats, fish, and poultry. You can still have cheese or milk but skim. Eat 7 servings of vegetables a day and 5 of fruit. I usually run a mile or two everyday. Despi…
No bread, no sauces, lean meat, grilled vegetables Lot’s of water and regular exercise everyday, you don’t have to kill yourself, a long walk will do it.You should lose close to 20 pounds in four weeks that’s assuming you are overweight.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How can you lose twenty pounds in one month?
Q: Does anyone have a specific diet on how to lose twenty pounds in a month? By only running and doing crunches no other excercise? Im 5’9 and weigh 130 i need to be 110 by next month. If your gonna write that’s not healthy don’t bother answering!Does anyone have a specific diet on how to lose twenty pounds in a month? By only running and doing crunches no other excercise? Im 5’9 and weigh 130 i need to be 110 by next month. If your gonna write that’s not healthy don’t bother answering. No pills! and i have to eat chicken!
A: The best diet I can recommend is the best kind. The vegetarian. Cut out all meats, fish, and poultry. You can still have cheese or milk but skim. Eat 7 servings of vegetables a day and 5 of fruit. I usually run a mile or two everyday. Despite the cold where i live, i bundle up. Stay to this diet and eat a lot of acai berries and dark chocolate and no junk food for a month and you will lose at least 15 poundsif done right.
how can you lose twenty pounds in one month?
A: go wheat free. No pasta, pizza, bread and so on. And no food after 7 p.m.I know a woman who lost 60 pounds a month on it. She did nothing else!
How can you lose twenty-five pounds in one month????
A: Here’s the thing, if you consider that 3500 calories roughly equals one pound in either direction (example, if you need 14,000 calories a week, and you eat 17,500, there will be a typical increase of one pound, and eating 11,500 will be a decrease of one pound), actually losing 25 pounds of fat weight would be virtually impossible. Further, weight actually is of little to no importance when making considerations to your body. If your weight number is more important than inch number, there’s probably a psychological reasoning behind it. Something to consider is that muscle weighs much, much more than fat, so a healthy diet and exercise regiment can often cause you to lose much less weight than you’d imagine, simply because of muscle gains. Measuring inches will get you where you want to be.Now how to lose the weight? That depends on your current weight. If you are in excess of 200 lbs, it’s much easier than if you weigh 130. Your best bet is to simply eat a high fiber diet with complex carbohydrates. Get a healthy amount of protein, and intake very few calores. Something like a serving of romain lettuce, lean chicken or turkey, tomatoes, carrot slices, and even a serving of cheese in a salad will be very filling and contain only 100 or so calories. The trick is to keep your body from going into “starvation” mode, but to eat much fewer calories. Just eating fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, and cutting out any artificial sugar (candy, etc.) will almost certainly do the trick. Also, excercising (jogging, bike riding, or even walking) a lot, and making sure that you eat when you get hungry (keeping stable blood sugar) would get you close to your goal.
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