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How do you cure abdominal pains

Health related question in topics Abdominal Pain .We found some answers as below for this question “How do you cure abdominal pains”,you can compare them.

A:Tylenol should be sufficient to cure you. Thanks. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/how-do-you-cure-abdominal-pains ]
More Answers to “How do you cure abdominal pains
How do you cure abdominal pains
Tylenol should be sufficient to cure you. Thanks.
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To cure a stomach ache I usually like to drink some ginger ale or water. I eat some saltine crackers and some soup broth. It calms the stomach. If it’s really bad you can try Pepto Bismal.
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Is acupuncture an effective way to cure abdominal pain?
Q: My father has pancreatic cancer and seems to be in a lot of abdominal pain. The medication that has been prescribed for him doesn’t seem to be working. I have been reading about how acupuncture has been known to relieve some of it. Do you have any success or horror stories regarding this?
A: First of all let me say that I know you’re in allot of pain seeing your dad like this.I know my dad was my hero and you sound the same.Acupuncture works by the person inserting the needles into different receptors in the body.I don’t see why they wouldn’t be able to relieve the pain by doing this in the right areas.The problem being is that as soon as the treatment is over,I’m not sure how long the relief would last.You’d have to ask someone that specializes in this to find out.Is your dad seeing a pain management doctor.You don’t mention what stage he’s in, or what he’s taking but unfortunately the pain will get worse.I’ve never heard of acupuncture being used for any type of cancer pain.
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Q: My boyfriend found out he was lactose intolerant after it was too late. He ate some cheesy pizza and then ate cheesy pasta for dinner. He then realized he was lactose intolerant, since he always reacted to dairy products lke this. Now he has had bad abdominal pains for 2 days. He doesn’t have health insurance. Is tylenol good to take?
A: he will just have gas, diarehea and he will be fine. Take some gas pills, hot tea, and maybe a stool softener I am lcactose intolerant does not need a doctor for this
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A: Your symptoms should go away in a few weeks, but hopefully your significant other has also been treated because he or she can continue to re-infect you if they haven’t been treated.
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