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How do you get skinnier

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You simply need to burn more calories than you eat! Try smaller portions or exercise. ChaCha ya later! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/how-do-you-get-skinnier ]
More Answers to “How do you get skinnier
There are many ways to get skinny. You can diet and exercise, go the fast route and get gastric bypass, or take care of a health problem that causes you to not be able to lose the weight.
・ 1 Increase Your Metabolism Increasing your metabolism is of actually the most important step in being… ・ 2 Detoxify Your Fat Cells We hear the word “detox” and we think of alcoholism. However, detoxing your… ・ 3 Some Exercis…
Well since you are 5’7” and 115 pounds, your BMI (body mass index) is about 19. Which is perfectly healthy. In fact, it is on the low side. It is probably just a self confidence issue, but if you really think that you are overweight and di…

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How do I get “scene skinny”? or skinny in general?
Q: Hi, whenever you see scene kids theyre always so skinny, but totally not in a disgusting way. How do I get scene skinny, or just plain skinny at that. Other then the classic “eat less, exercise more”, do you know of any quick diets or home remedies to help? thanks!
A: Do not listen to that cucumber diet guy. That’s just…Stupid.Scene people just starve themselves (trust me; I hang out with scene people). It’s totally unhealthy, and totally wrong. The kind of skinny you are referring to is called “skinny fat.” They look skinny, but have no muscle, but rather are comprised of body fat. That’s why a lot of them don’t have six packs; even though they are skinny, they have no muscle, and they still have lots of fat.Eat, work out, lift weights, do cardio. Limit your carb intake. The end.
Do you think that i have BDD?
Q: When i look around at other girls, i get sad because i see them as so much better looking than me and how much skinnier and i sit there and think how much i want to look like them. I often look in the mirror and disgust myself about either my weight or how unattractive my face is and there have been a lot of instances where i stayed in the bathroom for at least an hour and cried because of the way i look. i can pick out every tiny imperfection i have then i worry about it. when people disagree with me, i think they’re only telling me that to be nice. i’m constantly checking to see if there if i can spot another imperfection. is this BDD?also, i hear that OCD is a related illness, and it is common that the BDD sufferer has OCD. i was diagnosed with OCD.”COLON CLEASING” doesnt answer my question. stop with the dumb links.
A: It certainly could be body dysmorphic disorder but it would be impossible to diagnoses in this environment. Having been diagnosed with OCD would imply that you have a psychiatrist. I believe it is time to make another visit to his or her office and to also work through this with cognitive therapy working with a psychologist.Good luck and always remember to love yourself just the way you are. We all want to improve things about ourselves; that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t love ourselves with both our strengths and flaws.
Cleaning my gecko’s tank plus other gecko questions..?
Q: So I admit I have neglected my leopard gecko for a few weeks now and that isn’t good for the health of it. My honeycomb (short is honey) has stopped eating and what I’d noticed before was that it would eat it’s shed. So after a few sheds, it stopped doing this too. This I’m not sure if it’s bad, is it normal or ok or good for the gecko to eat it’s shed? Plus how do you get the excess shed off of the gecko’s toes? I don’t want my gecko to be in pain, is there anything that can help get it off? I’ve tried wetting it with water and it doesn’t help a whole lot on the toes. Plus I have a carpet for my gecko instead of sand because the sand could be a hazard, but i don’t know how to clean the carpet. I just recently saw a few questions about geckos and saw something about cleaning the cages. I clean all the solids obviously, but I don’t really know HOW to clean what is soaked up from the carpet. Do I put it in the washing machine? Another is that the tail is getting smaller from not eating enough, I don’t want my gecko to die, so any ways to know how to get my gecko to eat? I know it’s probably heat and right now the heat is about 75F, is that a good temp? I’ve had my gecko less than a year but over a few months. I feel foolish for not knowing this already, but better now than never. The not eating has been around for a while. Maybe it’s that I don’t see the gecko eat, because I cleaned the tank today and only saw maybe 4-5 dead worms that got dehydrated and died. I usually feed the gecko maybe 4-5 worms each feeding and I don’t watch the gecko eat them. I know the gecko has been having eating problems because of how skinny the tail is though. Any help please? Any rude comments about how I may not be a good pet owner are not appreciated.
A: Temps need to be between 90-95F on the hot side and in the mid 80’s on the coolside… I don’t know why people keep saying 80 on the hotside….For the shed yes she should be eating the shed it is natural and good for them.To get the shed off of the toes soak her in a little lukewarm water for 10-15 minutes then take a qtip and slowly roll the shed off of the toes. Many geckos have lost toes from not having the shed removed. You can wash reptile carpet in the washing machine. I do then I air dry it. If you get your hot side up to the appropriate temps she may begin to eat and shed normally
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