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How do you get skinny without working out

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “How do you get skinny without working out”,you can compare them.

If you want to lose weight without working out, try cutting back on the amount of calories you consume daily. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/how-do-you-get-skinny-without-working-out ]
More Answers to “How do you get skinny without working out
How do you get skinny without working out
If you want to lose weight without working out, try cutting back on the amount of calories you consume daily. ChaCha on!
Can a skinny guy work out and get more muscular without eating mo…?
Yes you can. Building muscle is the original muscle tearing slightly and repairing itself ‘bigger & better’ if you will. You don’t need to eat extra at all. It’s not a case of magically turning fat into muscle, it’s burning off your fat…

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Q: hi im 13 years old who’s perfectly skinny but then has a specially made bra because a dd is too small, and my butt is so large i don’t even want to mention the size. I know this might be funny but i get teased so much at school and if i was smaller in those places then i’d be SUPER skinny! PLZ HELP me! PLZ! im begging of you, help me turn my life around!
A: they are just jealous cus they are flat, and guys won’t like them ….. just wait one more year until you go to high school
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A: Ok, they don’t technically. What you can see is their abdominal wall, which every human being has. They just have such a low level of body fat that it is visible.A true six pack is where the muscles of the abdominal wall as well as the torso have been developed enough to show underneath a healthy level of body fat.
I’m skinny and fat. How do I lose weight without becoming anorexic?
Q: My body is really weird: My chest, neck, wrists, hands, ankles, and feet are very thin and bony…but my thighs, butt, and stomach is really fat. I don’t get it, for most people you’re either fat, skinny, or average, but I’m everything. What’s wrong with with me?I would like to lose some weight on my thighs,butt, and stomach area…but at the same time I do not want to work out because of my other body parts that is extremely thin and frail.Help me.
A: I have a similar problem – I’m starting to get a bigger bum and tummy. There is nothing wrong with you! It’s called ageing (yes even this young – I’m 23).The thing is, you can’t spot reduce – ie. just work on one area. To lose any fat you need to eat healthy and exercise regularly. So I’d suggest sticking to healthy fruit and veg, limit fat/carbs/sugars but still have enough carbs to keep you fueled to exercise. The parts you mentioned aren’t going to get any thinner by exercising – they’re bony areas in general anyway. If you do some weight bearing exercises it will strengthen your bone and maybe add some muscle which will help with the bony look. SO..it’s a win-win situation. Just eat well, exercise about 45 mins a day and you’ll be fine! Stress less too..that isn’t helping 😛
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