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How do you lose the fat off of your hands and your fingers

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Overall weight loss will begin to shrink down even your wrist fat and finger fat. Engaging in more physical activity is key in weight loss, as well as reducing your overall calorie intake. Exercise your fingers by typing! ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/how-do-you-lose-the-fat-off-of-your-hands-and-your-fingers ]
More Answers to “How do you lose the fat off of your hands and your fingers
How do you lose the fat off of your hands and your fingers
Overall weight loss will begin to shrink down even your wrist fat and finger fat. Engaging in more physical activity is key in weight loss, as well as reducing your overall calorie intake. Exercise your fingers by typing! ChaCha on!

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Is this an alright workout? How long do you think losing 10-15 pounds will take?
Q: I am a very overweight person. I weigh 185 or so and I’m only 5 feet tall. I’ve decided to start working out, and eating better to try to get healthier. Tonight I’ve come up with a workout to do when I wake up in the mornings, and before I sleep at night. I am going to start eating better, not SUPER healthy, but more in moderation. School starts in September, and I want to look a little better going into my final year of high school. 🙂 I also want to be the girl my boyfriend really deserves. Here is my workout. (I actually am only starting out on one repetition because I’ll get to two eventually as it is too much). 1. Back lifts: Lie on your stomach, palms resting on the floor, shoulder height. Attempt to elevate both your head and chest off the floor as high as possible without using your hands. Maintain this position for 10 seconds, and then gradually lower yourself back down to the floor. Execute three to five sets, 10 times each set.2. Triceps Kick-Backs: While holding a pair of weights, bend at the waist, your palms facing forward. Your back must be straight. Bring elbows up, and stretch arms back as high as possible. Repeat 10 times each, doing 3 to 5 sets. (I am using 5pound weights).3. Bicep Curls: Hold a five pound pair of weights, keeping your arms by your sides, palms facing inward. Slowly lift and lower the weights 10 times. Perform three to five sets.4. Calf Raises: Stand tall with toes pointing straight, and feet slightly narrower than shoulder width apart. Push up onto your toes forcing your heels to rise up. Squeezing your calf muscles, slowly lower your heels. Repeat 10 times, three to five sets. A smoothly muscled calf always draws an admiring eye.5. Lunges (most people know what they are 😉 )6. Situps (only around 15 right now.. I’m too fat haha)7. The twist: Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Imagine you are holding a ball in between your thighs. Squeeze your thigh muscles, then pull in your belly and tuck it under your pelvis (so you’re in a slight sitting position). Lace your fingers together and Keeping your chest high, slowly twist from side to side without moving your lower body. Keep it slow — you won’t get the full benefit if you’re using momentum rather than muscles.place your hands behind your head. (only about 25 of those).8. Standing Side Crunch9. Holding 5 pound weights, do ‘I’m a little teapot leans’ 15 on each sideI am also going to walk my dogs everyday its not raining. Please, I’m not looking for any rudeness.. I’m doing my best to make myself healthy, it’s just so hard. 🙁
A: that all sounds really great, you definitley have done your research and have made a great plan!for #1-9, you should not be doing everyday, but split them up. for example, pick about half to do mon/wed/fri, and the rest do tues/thurs/sat. sunday you should rest your muscles so they can rebuilt and repair.the only big thing i would suggest is more cardio. cardio will burn a lot of calories and burn fat… so i would suggest walking your dogs for 45 minutes in the morning, and even again in the evening.once you feel ready enough, i would suggest jogging at an easy pace for about 15 minutes.. and if you feel like you can go on, try to go for another 15 minutes. if not, just powerwalk, but go for another 15 minutes. running is the ultimate workout and even if you are slowly jogging, it will still tone your legs and core, and burn a lot of calories and fat.also, one thing that a lot of people find helps them stay on their diet is writing in advanced what they will eat the next day for each meal so they already have an idea what to eat when the time comes. or, at the end of the day, write what you ate… so if you aren’t losing weight, you can take a look at your diet log and see what needs to be changed.good luck!
What to do with a mentally abusive father?
Q: My dad is mentally (and getting to the point of becoming physically) abusive. All he ever does is put me down. He calls me a Stupid Jerk, tells me he wishes I was never born, and other names and put downs. I’m not super skinny, but I’m not fat either. I’m losing wight, but whenever I’m doing good, he puts me down. He tells me I getting fatter and goes into great detail on how I embarrass him when we go out (becuase I’m so “fat”) He always tells me I don’t do enough in the house. Even though I do EVERYTHING (I mean, everything. All he does is go in the basement or watches T.V.) I always leave the house RIGHT when I finish doing everything, I come home to see my mom and eat with them, then I go right back out. Because I’m tired of all of the abuse. I’m 14, so I obivously can’t drive, and today was a huge fundriaser, I was a main part of it and I HAD to be there. So for the 1st time EVER I asked my dad to drive me to it, (I asked a week ago) He said it’d be no proablem, I asked him again last night, just to make sure, and he said he didn’t mind. He was in a great mood this morning, then my mom reminded him that he had to take me at 5:00 (Seriously, the place isn’t even 2 minutes away, I could walk if we had side walks.) and he went around, looking for reasons to ground me. So, he started saying that I have to do all of this stuff (which I was already going to do) and I did’t argue, I agreed and said “I’ll do it once I get back from walking the dog.” So, I walked her, came back, and he told me that I was grounded, because my “bathroom was a mess and the cat threw up on your bedroom floor.” My bathroom wasn’t a mess and I could easily clean up the throw up (hello, that’s not MY fault!) So, I can’t go to the fundraiser in memory of my friend who passed away, and to top it off, when I started to clean he went, “You know what? Just go. Get out of here. Get away from me and stay away.” So, I left. I got kicked out of my house because he didn’t want to drive me somewhere. This is always going on. It’s much worse when he goes into my room, because he’ll throw everything around, he’ll throw things at me, flip over my bed, and all this stuff. Then I’m forced to clean everything again. He can’t be happy until he makes me and my mom’s life a living hell. She works 12 hour weeks and when she gets home he’ll yell at her about something the he normaly did. He now makes things up, lies and says that I said or did things I NEVER did to make me get in trouble, he makes messes so I have to clean it. The other week, he made me clean the grill when it was just turned off (So, it was still burning hot,) and when I didn’t clean off the hot parts (because I was using cleaning stuff and paper towels, he made he go clean it and I ended up burning my fingers. Things are much worse then this, and they are getting out of hand. My mom’s talking about a divorce, but since he doesn’t work, she’d have to pay alimony, and we’d have to move and we really wouldn’t have any money. I just don’t know what to do anymore…My mom is actually really great at this point. I mean, whenever this happens and she’s home, she’s always defending me and she’ll do whatever she can. We’re getting really close to deviorse, but it’s hard, like I said. If there is a divorse, we can’t pay the alimony (nor do we WANT to) We’d move and I’d be up rooted from my friends. My mom really does the best she can, she trys to leave work but it’s impossible.
A: Im sorry to hear about your situation. Shame to have to deal with this at such a young age. Maybe if your mom could possibly call and claim hes a threat to himself or others then it would be on record about his mental capacity. Then when she filed the divorce maybe she wouldn’t have to pay. Obviously if this is not his normal personality something is actually causing it. Maybe he does need medical attention. Be careful and good luck
What to do with a mentally abusive father?
Q: My dad is mentally (and getting to the point of becoming physically) abusive. All he ever does is put me down. He calls me a Stupid Jerk, tells me he wishes I was never born, and other names and put downs. I’m not super skinny, but I’m not fat either. I’m losing wight, but whenever I’m doing good, he puts me down. He tells me I getting fatter and goes into great detail on how I embarrass him when we go out (becuase I’m so “fat”) He always tells me I don’t do enough in the house. Even though I do EVERYTHING (I mean, everything. All he does is go in the basement or watches T.V.) I always leave the house RIGHT when I finish doing everything, I come home to see my mom and eat with them, then I go right back out. Because I’m tired of all of the abuse. I’m 14, so I obivously can’t drive, and today was a huge fundriaser, I was a main part of it and I HAD to be there. So for the 1st time EVER I asked my dad to drive me to it, (I asked a week ago) He said it’d be no proablem, I asked him again last night, just to make sure, and he said he didn’t mind. He was in a great mood this morning, then my mom reminded him that he had to take me at 5:00 (Seriously, the place isn’t even 2 minutes away, I could walk if we had side walks.) and he went around, looking for reasons to ground me. So, he started saying that I have to do all of this stuff (which I was already going to do) and I did’t argue, I agreed and said “I’ll do it once I get back from walking the dog.” So, I walked her, came back, and he told me that I was grounded, because my “bathroom was a mess and the cat threw up on your bedroom floor.” My bathroom wasn’t a mess and I could easily clean up the throw up (hello, that’s not MY fault!) So, I can’t go to the fundraiser in memory of my friend who passed away, and to top it off, when I started to clean he went, “You know what? Just go. Get out of here. Get away from me and stay away.” So, I left. I got kicked out of my house because he didn’t want to drive me somewhere. This is always going on. It’s much worse when he goes into my room, because he’ll throw everything around, he’ll throw things at me, flip over my bed, and all this stuff. Then I’m forced to clean everything again. He can’t be happy until he makes me and my mom’s life a living hell. She works 12 hour weeks and when she gets home he’ll yell at her about something the he normaly did. He now makes things up, lies and says that I said or did things I NEVER did to make me get in trouble, he makes messes so I have to clean it. The other week, he made me clean the grill when it was just turned off (So, it was still burning hot,) and when I didn’t clean off the hot parts (because I was using cleaning stuff and paper towels, he made he go clean it and I ended up burning my fingers. Things are much worse then this, and they are getting out of hand. My mom’s talking about a divorce, but since he doesn’t work, she’d have to pay alimony, and we’d have to move and we really wouldn’t have any money. I just don’t know what to do anymore…Money is no issue for our family (sorry, I’m not bragging!) My dad doesn’t work at all, and there is seriously NO stress on him. My mom is there for everything for me. She always defends me (when I’m right, and that’s pretty much all the time) and she tried talking to my dad many times. Everytime she does, he gets pissed and freaks out. Then he yells at ME because I make him that way (Which, my mom said isn’t ture. When they got married he was this way, then when I was born he changed all the abuse towards me. Yes, even when I wasn’t able to speak yet, he’d yell at me and throw my BABY things around.) He won’t listen if I tell him he’s hurting me mentally and it’s effect me whenever I’m home or out. But, he really doesn’t care. He TOLD me that he doesn’t love me, and that I was a total mistake. He hasn’t said “I love you.” Since I was like, 4 and when I used to tell him “I love you,” He’d go “Yeah, sure. Go clean your room.” He’s also twisted my arm and tried to hit me
A: You and your mom can get free legal service from Legal Aide and their are services out there for women and young adults that will hide you both and get a apartment or house. Each State has a legal Aide service it it is a division of Dept of Human Services.
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