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How is long breast feeding a form of birth control

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A:Women who are lactating have amenorrhea, which means they don’t have a period. It’s not a viable method of birth control though. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/how-is-long-breast-feeding-a-form-of-birth-control ]
More Answers to “How is long breast feeding a form of birth control
How is long breast feeding a form of birth control
Women who are lactating have amenorrhea, which means they don’t have a period. It’s not a viable method of birth control though.
How safe is breastfeeding as a form of birth control?
Breastfeeding is only an effective method of birth control if certain conditions are met and, like all contraception, it is not foolproof. Breastfeeding delays the return of your periods. However, the first time you ovulate after giving bir…
Is breastfeeding an affective form of birth control?
Actually yes if you can answer yes to all of these questions then it is a form of Birth Control. 1. Is your infant less than six months old? 2. Are you amenorrheic, that is, are your menstrual periods absent? 3. Is your baby breastfeedi…

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Breast feeding mom only please…How long did it take most of you to have your period again during or after…
Q: I have 4 children and have breast fed them all, still am with my youngest who is 11 months. My question is..how long did it take to have a period again? I breast fed my oldest until she was 14 months…I started my period again while I was still breast feeding..my other two I breast fed until the were a year..started my period up about 6 months after they were born. My periods were alway light during breast feeding but they were there. Well with my last daughter…no period , no spotting ..nothing this whole time, not that I’m complaining :o). I’ve checked out fine at doc. visits and am told it should start any time..but nothing. Has anyone else out there had this problem? I know they say never use breast feeding as a form of birth control so I am guessing that most people have at least a light period like I did in the past. Not sure if my age matters or not but I’m 36. Thanks to all who answer and have a Merry Christmas.
A: First of all, it’s not a problem, so don’t think of it that way–it’s nature’s design! My first was 16 months when I got my period back, he’d dropped to 2-3 sessions a day at that point. We do child-led weaning, so he weaned himself at 2.5 years.My second is 8 months and still no sign, not even spotting.The average return of menstruation of moms who nurse exclusively is *14* months. Obviously, since that’s average, some will have it earlier and some will start later. That’s why, in cultures that have no birth control, nursing still spaces children about 18-36 months apart.One of the reasons that women who nurse babies have lower rates of breast and ovarian cancers is that they have fewer periods over the years and are therefore exposed to less estrogen waves and other hormone influxes. That’s why the number of children that you nurse and the length of time that you nurse them, is associated with lower rates of female cancers. So, be happy, love it, enjoy nature’s design to protect not just your baby, but yourself.
birth control while breastfeeding?
Q: My hubby and I have a 5 week old son and I’m breastfeeding. I’m just wondering if anyone is on any form of birth control while breast feeding and what kind. Condoms are not a possiblity for us… and how long after you gave birth did your period return?
A: You can use any method except for estrogen containing hormonal birth control. (So the regular pill is out.) Your options are:1. LAM (Lactational Amenorrhea method — if you are exclusively breastfeeding, it is a reliable method until you are 6 months post partum or get a period — whichever comes first.)2. Progestrone only pill (mini-pill — slightly less effective than the regular pill, but very reliable if you take it at the same time each day.3. IUD — either the Mirena (hormone bearing) or Copper (non-hormone.) VERY effective, nothing to think about, but if you plan on having another baby within 1-2 years, not very cost-effective.4. Female barriers — diaphragm, foam, gels, etc. Not terribly effective used alone (much better when used with a condom) but better than nothing. 5. Natural Family Planning — requires diligence, and can be tricky to use until your periods return — but until your periods return you can use LAM. We used condoms. Got my period back at 16 months — 2 months after weaning.
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