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How many calories am i burning if i walk 8 hours a day

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If you give us your weight, we can figure out how many calories you are burning if you walk 8 hours a day. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/how-many-calories-am-i-burning-if-i-walk-8-hours-a-day ]
More Answers to “How many calories am i burning if i walk 8 hours a day
How many calories am i burning if i walk 8 hours a day
If you give us your weight, we can figure out how many calories you are burning if you walk 8 hours a day. ChaCha!

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Am I burning alot of calories??
Q: I work at a department store and my days are usually 8-10 hours, but a typical day is abut 8.5 hours. Out of that, I’m usually on my feet for 7 of those hours, either ringing but mostly walking around, cleaning up, organizing, putting merchandise away. The store is quite big and my feet always hurt at the end of my shift. I just wanna know if all that walking around all day is good cause I’m burning calories? Is it not much or alot? I don’t sweat during work. Any idea how many calories that would be every day or week, since it’s several times a week?thanks…anyone else?
A: I’m sure that you are definitely burning some calories, and the amount depends on your weight, etc. Here is a calorie calculator that will let you know how many calories you burn for various activities, including office work and occupational activities. http://www.primusweb.com/cgi-bin/fpc/actcalc.plHope that helps you out!
how many calories do I burn if I run/walk 10 miles?
Q: I am planning to start running/walking 10 miles a day until I can run 10 miles. I am trying to loose 12 lbs to cut my body fat to 8%. I currently weigh 215 and I’m 6’0 ft. I lift usually for workouts but I started running to take off excess fat I put on the last 8 months. How many calories do I burn doing 10 miles in 2.5 hours? I plan to get that time to 2 hours.I did the 10 mile run/walk 2 times last week so I know I can do it.
A: According to the Calorie Calculator on RunnersWorld.com, a 215 pound person will burn 1629 calories in 10 miles of running.By distance, you pretty much burn the same calories walking or running 10 miles. One, of course, takes much less time.Props if you actually have that much time each day to devote to fitness 🙂 Just don’t over do it! I’d probably suggest a different fitness program than what you have, but I still thought I’d answer your question about calories burned.
How many calories should I be eating?
Q: If I eat roughly 1700 calories per day, and walk 8 miles per day (my pedometer calculates this to burn roughly 900 calories) plus exercise intensely for an hour (burning roughly 600 calories) – am I eating enough?I don’t feel hungry but I don’t understand how this can be right.Neglecting my BMR for a second, this comes out to be 1700 – (600 + 900) = 200 calories intake.Can someone please explain this to me?I don’t want to lose or gain weight really. I just wanted some clarification as to how these numbers make sense.
A: ok well the exercise level you have is very good, very solid. Exercise, however curbs appetite and even if you aren’t eating enough it makes you not hungry. I would make sure you are eating enough calories by looking at this websitemypyramid.govgo to mypyramid plan and enter your height, weight, age, gender and exercise level. It will breakdown the amount you need to eat and tell you how much of everything (carbs, protein, ect.)Depending on how much you weigh and how tall you are i would say it would be enough for a very small person but maybe not if you are tall or muscular.200 calories total isn’t enough for anything to work in your body. I would really suggest eating moreHope this helps and hope you can get on a good meal plan that fits the need of your largly exercising schedulegood job and keep up the good work 🙂
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